On 02.03.21 10:39, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2021/03/02 00:09, Mark Schneider wrote:

Thank you for your feeeback.

Also OpenBSD 6.9beta snapshot is crashing when I setup RAID5 with three
"Samsung PRO 860 1TB" SSDs.
OpenBSD obsd69b.it-infra.org 6.9 GENERIC.MP#368 amd64

obsd69b# dmesg | grep  -i bios
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.7 @ 0xdc312018 (61 entries)
bios0: vendor American Megatrends Inc. version "2201" date 03/23/2015
acpi0 at bios0: ACPI 5.0
Can you isolate softraid from the equation? Are the drives reliable with
this hardware configuration when not using softraid? I guess it would
need testing with simultaneous writes to the 3 drives to give a closer
match to the situation with softraid.

Thanks a lot for all hints Stuart.

The isolated 1TB SSD Samsung PRO 860 drives have some AHCI errors (OpenBSD_6.9beta-RAID5-3x1TB-SSD-isolated.txt in the attachment).

Writing to an "isolated" drive does not crash OpenBSD even there are AHCI errors and sometimes an I/O error from dd (see directly below).

# ---
obsd69b# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ssd1T-sd1a/1GB-urandom.bin bs=1M count=1024
dd: /ssd1T-sd1a/1GB-urandom.bin: Input/output error
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes transferred in 0.014 secs (0 bytes/sec)

obsd69b# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ssd1T-sd1a/1GB-urandom.bin bs=1M count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes transferred in 5.156 secs (208228191 bytes/sec)

# ---

ahci2: NCQ errored slot 3 is idle (04000000 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 13 is idle (7c0f01eb active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 26 is idle (03fe1e07 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 30 is idle (03e1e38f active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 28 is idle (03e1fc71 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 30 is idle (03fc9f81 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 9 is idle (0f0ee03f active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 16 is idle (70f400ff active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 28 is idle (0f3c407f active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 13 is idle (70dc41fc active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 17 is idle (0f3c1fe0 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 30 is idle (0f7c181f active)

Writing to all "isolated" drives simultanously does not crash OpenBSD even there are AHCI errors

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ obsd69b# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ssd1T-sd1a/10GB-urandom.bin bs=10M count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
10737418240 bytes transferred in 160.129 secs (67054710 bytes/sec)

obsd69b# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ssd1T-sd2a/10GB-urandom.bin bs=10M count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
10737418240 bytes transferred in 158.783 secs (67623059 bytes/sec

obsd69b# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ssd1T-sd3a/10GB-urandom.bin bs=10M count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
10737418240 bytes transferred in 160.085 secs (67072961 bytes/sec

# ---

ahci2: NCQ errored slot 25 is idle (000000ff active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 21 is idle (00007fff active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 6 is idle (00000001 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 21 is idle (000003ff active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 1 is idle (03800000 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 27 is idle (01ffffff active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 23 is idle (00000030 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 25 is idle (00000fff active)

# OpenBSD 6.9beta is crashing after a dd command writing to the RAID5 softraid volume (sd4a) and the access to the ddb{4}> prompt is not possible to run trace, ps or sh commands (the root console is dead).

"trace" and "sh reg" from ddb would give more clues.

I am not able to run the commands above as the root ddb{4} console is dead (I can see only the last error message but I am not able to type in using the keyboard)

I will connect those Samsung PRO 860 1TB SSDs to a Xeon based system (another SATA-controller) and check there for AHCI errors.

Maybe it is worth to mention, that the original RAID tests on Debian buster with six of 512GB Samsung PRO 860 (the same drives andf RAID6 set with mdadm) worked without crashing the OS.

Kind regards


bs=10M count=1024

# Error messages

uvm_fault(0xffffffff821f5490, 0x40, 0, 1) -> e
kernel: page fault trap, code=0
Stopped at      sr_validate_io+0x44:    cmpl     $0,0x40(%r9)
$ objdump -dlr softraid.o | less
0000000000009cc0 <sr_validate_io>:
     9cc0:       4c 8b 1d 00 00 00 00    mov    0(%rip),%r11        # 9cc7 
                         9cc3: R_X86_64_PC32     
     9cc7:       4c 33 1c 24             xor    (%rsp),%r11
     9ccb:       55                      push   %rbp
     9ccc:       48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
     9ccf:       57                      push   %rdi
     9cd0:       56                      push   %rsi
     9cd1:       52                      push   %rdx
     9cd2:       57                      push   %rdi
     9cd3:       41 53                   push   %r11
     9cd5:       50                      push   %rax
     9cd6:       4c 8b 47 08             mov    0x8(%rdi),%r8
     9cda:       49 8b 88 70 09 00 00    mov    0x970(%r8),%rcx
     9ce1:       83 b9 94 00 00 00 00    cmpl   $0x0,0x94(%rcx)
     9ce8:       0f 84 a2 01 00 00       je     9e90 <sr_validate_io+0x1d0>
     9cee:       b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax
     9cf3:       41 83 b8 20 0a 00 00    cmpl   $0x1,0xa20(%r8)
     9cfa:       01
     9cfb:       0f 84 69 01 00 00       je     9e6a <sr_validate_io+0x1aa>
     9d01:       4c 8b 0f                mov    (%rdi),%r9
     9d04:       41 83 79 40 00          cmpl   $0x0,0x40(%r9)
     9d09:       74 47                   je     9d52 <sr_validate_io+0x92>

putting sr_validate_io+0x44 at the xs->datalen dereference,

4580         if (sd->sd_vol_status == BIOC_SVOFFLINE) {
4581                 DNPRINTF(SR_D_DIS, "%s: %s device offline\n",
4582                     DEVNAME(sd->sd_sc), func);
4583                 goto bad;
4584         }
4586         if (xs->datalen == 0) {
4587                 printf("%s: %s: illegal block count for %s\n",
4588                     DEVNAME(sd->sd_sc), func, sd->sd_meta->ssd_devname)    
4589                 goto bad;
4590         }

...so null/invalid xs?

"trace" and "sh reg" from ddb would give more clues.

obsd69b# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rsd1c bs=1m count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes transferred in 3.480 secs (308516258 bytes/sec)
obsd69b# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rsd2c bs=1m count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes transferred in 3.472 secs (309202512 bytes/sec)
obsd69b# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rsd3c bs=1m count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes transferred in 3.462 secs (310091044 bytes/sec)
obsd69b# # ----------------------------------------------------------------   
obsd69b# disklabel -E sd1
Label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt)
sd1> p
OpenBSD area: 0-2000409264; size: 2000409264; free: 2000409264
#                size           offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
  c:       2000409264                0  unused                    
sd1> a a
offset: [0] 
size: [2000409264] *
FS type: [4.2BSD] RAID
sd1*> w
sd1> q
No label changes.
obsd69b# disklabel -E sd2 
Label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt)
sd2> a a
offset: [0] 
size: [2000409264] *
FS type: [4.2BSD] RAID
sd2*> w
sd2> q
No label changes.
obsd69b# disklabel -E sd3 
Label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt)
sd3> a a
offset: [0] 
size: [2000409264] *
FS type: [4.2BSD] RAID
sd3*> w
sd3> q
No label changes.

# ---

obsd69b# bioctl -c 5 -l sd1a,sd2a,sd3a softraid0
softraid0: RAID 5 volume attached as sd4
obsd69b# bi
biff    bind    bioctl  
obsd69b# bioctl sd4                                                             
Volume      Status               Size Device  
softraid0 0 Online      2048418512896 sd4     RAID5 
          0 Online      1024209272832 0:0.0   noencl <sd1a>
          1 Online      1024209272832 0:1.0   noencl <sd2a>
          2 Online      1024209272832 0:2.0   noencl <sd3a>
obsd69b# # ----------------------------------------------------------------   
obsd69b# disklabel sd4                                                      
# /dev/rsd4c:
type: SCSI
disk: SCSI disk
label: SR RAID 5
duid: 0000000000000000
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 255
sectors/cylinder: 16065
cylinders: 249039
total sectors: 4000817408
boundstart: 0
boundend: 4000817408
drivedata: 0 

16 partitions:
#                size           offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
  c:       4000817408                0  unused                    
obsd69b# # ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
obsd69b# disklabel -E sd4                                                   
Label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt)
sd4> a a 
offset: [0] 
size: [4000817408] *
FS type: [4.2BSD] 
sd4*> w
sd4> q
No label changes.

obsd69b# # ---------------------------------------------------------------- 

obsd69b# newfs sd4a
/dev/rsd4a: 1953524.1MB in 4000817408 sectors of 512 bytes
598 cylinder groups of 3266.88MB, 52270 blocks, 104704 inodes each
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 256, 6690816, 13381376, 20071936, 26762496, 33453056, 40143616, 46834176, 
53524736, 60215296, 66905856, 73596416, 80286976, 86977536, 93668096, 
100358656, 107049216, 113739776, 120430336, 127120896, 133811456, 140502016, 
147192576, 153883136, 160573696, 167264256, 173954816, 180645376, 187335936, 
 200717056, 207407616, 214098176, 220788736, 227479296, 234169856, 240860416, 
247550976, 254241536, 260932096, 267622656, 274313216, 281003776, 287694336, 
294384896, 301075456, 307766016, 314456576, 321147136, 327837696, 334528256, 
341218816, 347909376, 354599936, 361290496, 367981056, 374671616, 381362176,
 388052736, 394743296, 401433856, 408124416, 414814976, 421505536, 428196096, 
434886656, 441577216, 448267776, 454958336, 461648896, 468339456, 475030016, 
481720576, 488411136, 495101696, 501792256, 508482816, 515173376, 521863936, 
528554496, 535245056, 541935616, 548626176, 555316736, 562007296, 568697856,
 575388416, 582078976, 588769536, 595460096, 602150656, 608841216, 615531776, 
622222336, 628912896, 635603456, 642294016, 648984576, 655675136, 662365696, 
669056256, 675746816, 682437376, 689127936, 695818496, 702509056, 709199616, 
715890176, 722580736, 729271296, 735961856, 742652416, 749342976, 756033536,
 762724096, 769414656, 776105216, 782795776, 789486336, 796176896, 802867456, 
809558016, 816248576, 822939136, 829629696, 836320256, 843010816, 849701376, 
856391936, 863082496, 869773056, 876463616, 883154176, 889844736, 896535296, 
903225856, 909916416, 916606976, 923297536, 929988096, 936678656, 943369216,
 950059776, 956750336, 963440896, 970131456, 976822016, 983512576, 990203136, 
996893696, 1003584256, 1010274816, 1016965376, 1023655936, 1030346496, 
1037037056, 1043727616, 1050418176, 1057108736, 1063799296, 1070489856, 
1077180416, 1083870976, 1090561536, 1097252096, 1103942656, 1110633216, 
1117323776, 1124014336,
 1130704896, 1137395456, 1144086016, 1150776576, 1157467136, 1164157696, 
1170848256, 1177538816, 1184229376, 1190919936, 1197610496, 1204301056, 
1210991616, 1217682176, 1224372736, 1231063296, 1237753856, 1244444416, 
1251134976, 1257825536, 1264516096, 1271206656, 1277897216, 1284587776, 
1291278336, 1297968896,
 1304659456, 1311350016, 1318040576, 1324731136, 1331421696, 1338112256, 
1344802816, 1351493376, 1358183936, 1364874496, 1371565056, 1378255616, 
1384946176, 1391636736, 1398327296, 1405017856, 1411708416, 1418398976, 
1425089536, 1431780096, 1438470656, 1445161216, 1451851776, 1458542336, 
1465232896, 1471923456,
 1478614016, 1485304576, 1491995136, 1498685696, 1505376256, 1512066816, 
1518757376, 1525447936, 1532138496, 1538829056, 1545519616, 1552210176, 
1558900736, 1565591296, 1572281856, 1578972416, 1585662976, 1592353536, 
1599044096, 1605734656, 1612425216, 1619115776, 1625806336, 1632496896, 
1639187456, 1645878016,
 1652568576, 1659259136, 1665949696, 1672640256, 1679330816, 1686021376, 
1692711936, 1699402496, 1706093056, 1712783616, 1719474176, 1726164736, 
1732855296, 1739545856, 1746236416, 1752926976, 1759617536, 1766308096, 
1772998656, 1779689216, 1786379776, 1793070336, 1799760896, 1806451456, 
1813142016, 1819832576,
 1826523136, 1833213696, 1839904256, 1846594816, 1853285376, 1859975936, 
1866666496, 1873357056, 1880047616, 1886738176, 1893428736, 1900119296, 
1906809856, 1913500416, 1920190976, 1926881536, 1933572096, 1940262656, 
1946953216, 1953643776, 1960334336, 1967024896, 1973715456, 1980406016, 
1987096576, 1993787136,
 2000477696, 2007168256, 2013858816, 2020549376, 2027239936, 2033930496, 
2040621056, 2047311616, 2054002176, 2060692736, 2067383296, 2074073856, 
2080764416, 2087454976, 2094145536, 2100836096, 2107526656, 2114217216, 
2120907776, 2127598336, 2134288896, 2140979456, 2147670016, 2154360576, 
2161051136, 2167741696,
 2174432256, 2181122816, 2187813376, 2194503936, 2201194496, 2207885056, 
2214575616, 2221266176, 2227956736, 2234647296, 2241337856, 2248028416, 
2254718976, 2261409536, 2268100096, 2274790656, 2281481216, 2288171776, 
2294862336, 2301552896, 2308243456, 2314934016, 2321624576, 2328315136, 
2335005696, 2341696256,
 2348386816, 2355077376, 2361767936, 2368458496, 2375149056, 2381839616, 
2388530176, 2395220736, 2401911296, 2408601856, 2415292416, 2421982976, 
2428673536, 2435364096, 2442054656, 2448745216, 2455435776, 2462126336, 
2468816896, 2475507456, 2482198016, 2488888576, 2495579136, 2502269696, 
2508960256, 2515650816,
 2522341376, 2529031936, 2535722496, 2542413056, 2549103616, 2555794176, 
2562484736, 2569175296, 2575865856, 2582556416, 2589246976, 2595937536, 
2602628096, 2609318656, 2616009216, 2622699776, 2629390336, 2636080896, 
2642771456, 2649462016, 2656152576, 2662843136, 2669533696, 2676224256, 
2682914816, 2689605376,
 2696295936, 2702986496, 2709677056, 2716367616, 2723058176, 2729748736, 
2736439296, 2743129856, 2749820416, 2756510976, 2763201536, 2769892096, 
2776582656, 2783273216, 2789963776, 2796654336, 2803344896, 2810035456, 
2816726016, 2823416576, 2830107136, 2836797696, 2843488256, 2850178816, 
2856869376, 2863559936,
 2870250496, 2876941056, 2883631616, 2890322176, 2897012736, 2903703296, 
2910393856, 2917084416, 2923774976, 2930465536, 2937156096, 2943846656, 
2950537216, 2957227776, 2963918336, 2970608896, 2977299456, 2983990016, 
2990680576, 2997371136, 3004061696, 3010752256, 3017442816, 3024133376, 
3030823936, 3037514496,
 3044205056, 3050895616, 3057586176, 3064276736, 3070967296, 3077657856, 
3084348416, 3091038976, 3097729536, 3104420096, 3111110656, 3117801216, 
3124491776, 3131182336, 3137872896, 3144563456, 3151254016, 3157944576, 
3164635136, 3171325696, 3178016256, 3184706816, 3191397376, 3198087936, 
3204778496, 3211469056,
 3218159616, 3224850176, 3231540736, 3238231296, 3244921856, 3251612416, 
3258302976, 3264993536, 3271684096, 3278374656, 3285065216, 3291755776, 
3298446336, 3305136896, 3311827456, 3318518016, 3325208576, 3331899136, 
3338589696, 3345280256, 3351970816, 3358661376, 3365351936, 3372042496, 
3378733056, 3385423616,
 3392114176, 3398804736, 3405495296, 3412185856, 3418876416, 3425566976, 
3432257536, 3438948096, 3445638656, 3452329216, 3459019776, 3465710336, 
3472400896, 3479091456, 3485782016, 3492472576, 3499163136, 3505853696, 
3512544256, 3519234816, 3525925376, 3532615936, 3539306496, 3545997056, 
3552687616, 3559378176,
 3566068736, 3572759296, 3579449856, 3586140416, 3592830976, 3599521536, 
3606212096, 3612902656, 3619593216, 3626283776, 3632974336, 3639664896, 
3646355456, 3653046016, 3659736576, 3666427136, 3673117696, 3679808256, 
3686498816, 3693189376, 3699879936, 3706570496, 3713261056, 3719951616, 
3726642176, 3733332736,
 3740023296, 3746713856, 3753404416, 3760094976, 3766785536, 3773476096, 
3780166656, 3786857216, 3793547776, 3800238336, 3806928896, 3813619456, 
3820310016, 3827000576, 3833691136, 3840381696, 3847072256, 3853762816, 
3860453376, 3867143936, 3873834496, 3880525056, 3887215616, 3893906176, 
3900596736, 3907287296,
 3913977856, 3920668416, 3927358976, 3934049536, 3940740096, 3947430656, 
3954121216, 3960811776, 3967502336, 3974192896, 3980883456, 3987574016, 
obsd69b# # ----------------------------------------------------------------   
obsd69b# mount /dev/sd4a /arc-3x1TB-ssd860                                  
obsd69b# df -h | grep arc
/dev/sd4a      1.8T    8.0K    1.8T     0%    /arc-3x1TB-ssd860

obsd69b# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/arc-3x1TB-ssd860/1GB-urandom.bin bs=1M 

# OpenBSD 6.9beta is crashing and the access to the ddb{4}> prompt is not 
possible to run trace, ps or sh commands

bioctl -c 5 -C force -l sd1a,sd2a,sd3a softraid0

obsd69b# bioctl -c 5 -C force -l sd1a,sd2a,sd3a softraid0
softraid0: RAID 5 volume attached as sd4
obsd69b# fsck /dev/rsd4a
** /dev/rsd4a
** Last Mounted on /arc-3x1TB-ssd860
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
SALVAGE? [Fyn?] y

SALVAGE? [Fyn?] y

SALVAGE? [Fyn?] y

2 files, 1 used, 248084845 free (13 frags, 31010604 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)



# OpenBSD 6.9beta RAID5 configuration with three 1TB "Samsung SSD PRO 860" 

sysctl hw.disknames

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rsd1c bs=1m count=1024
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rsd2c bs=1m count=1024
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rsd3c bs=1m count=1024

obsd69b# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rsd1c bs=1m count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes transferred in 3.301 secs (325251532 bytes/sec)
obsd69b# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rsd2c bs=1m count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes transferred in 3.355 secs (319969662 bytes/sec)
obsd69b# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rsd3c bs=1m count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes transferred in 3.318 secs (323554123 bytes/sec)
# ---

obsd69b# bioctl sd1                                                             
sd1: <ATA, Samsung SSD 860, RVM0>, serial S42NNF0N110543P
obsd69b# bioctl sd2 
sd2: <ATA, Samsung SSD 860, RVM0>, serial S42NNF0MA01951H
obsd69b# bioctl sd3 
sd3: <ATA, Samsung SSD 860, RVM0>, serial S42NNF0M603477P

disklabel -E sd1
disklabel -E sd2
disklabel -E sd3

newfs sd1a
newfs sd2a
newfs sd3a

mkdir /ssd1T-sd1a
mkdir /ssd1T-sd2a
mkdir /ssd1T-sd3a

mount /dev/sd1a /ssd1T-sd1a
mount /dev/sd2a /ssd1T-sd2a
mount /dev/sd3a /ssd1T-sd3a

obsd69b# df -h | grep ssd 
/dev/sd1a      946G    8.0K    899G     0%    /ssd1T-sd1a
/dev/sd2a      946G    8.0K    899G     0%    /ssd1T-sd2a
/dev/sd3a      946G    8.0K    899G     0%    /ssd1T-sd3a

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ssd1T-sd1a/1GB-urandom.bin bs=1M count=1024
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ssd1T-sd2a/1GB-urandom.bin bs=1M count=1024
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ssd1T-sd3a/1GB-urandom.bin bs=1M count=1024

ahci2: NCQ errored slot 5 is idle (3ff8001f active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 23 is idle (3e0ffe00 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 27 is idle (41dffe00 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 14 is idle (3c6601fe active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 27 is idle (317f003f active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 19 is idle (03f01ff8 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 19 is idle (31e03cdb active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 19 is idle (31e03cde active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 20 is idle (31e033e7 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 3 is idle (4c738fc1 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 13 is idle (339e03ae active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 17 is idle (33e00df3 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 0 is idle (1f0f2de0 active)

obsd69b# ls -l /ssd1T-sd*                                                       
total 2097536
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1073741824 Mar  2 16:11 1GB-urandom.bin

total 2097536
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1073741824 Mar  2 16:11 1GB-urandom.bin

total 2097536
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1073741824 Mar  2 16:11 1GB-urandom.bin

# ---
obsd69b# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ssd1T-sd1a/1GB-urandom.bin bs=1M count=1024 
dd: /ssd1T-sd1a/1GB-urandom.bin: Input/output error
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes transferred in 0.014 secs (0 bytes/sec)
obsd69b# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ssd1T-sd1a/1GB-urandom.bin bs=1M count=1024 
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes transferred in 5.156 secs (208228191 bytes/sec)

# ---

ahci2: NCQ errored slot 3 is idle (04000000 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 13 is idle (7c0f01eb active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 26 is idle (03fe1e07 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 30 is idle (03e1e38f active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 28 is idle (03e1fc71 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 30 is idle (03fc9f81 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 9 is idle (0f0ee03f active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 16 is idle (70f400ff active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 28 is idle (0f3c407f active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 13 is idle (70dc41fc active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 17 is idle (0f3c1fe0 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 30 is idle (0f7c181f active)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
obsd69b# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ssd1T-sd1a/10GB-urandom.bin bs=10M count=1024 
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
10737418240 bytes transferred in 160.129 secs (67054710 bytes/sec)

obsd69b# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ssd1T-sd2a/10GB-urandom.bin bs=10M count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
10737418240 bytes transferred in 158.783 secs (67623059 bytes/sec

obsd69b# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ssd1T-sd3a/10GB-urandom.bin bs=10M count=1024 
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
10737418240 bytes transferred in 160.085 secs (67072961 bytes/sec

# ---

ahci2: NCQ errored slot 25 is idle (000000ff active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 21 is idle (00007fff active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 6 is idle (00000001 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 21 is idle (000003ff active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 1 is idle (03800000 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 27 is idle (01ffffff active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 23 is idle (00000030 active)
ahci2: NCQ errored slot 25 is idle (00000fff active)

# ---

obsd69b# ls -ltr /ssd1T-sd* | grep -v total
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   1073741824 Mar  2 16:16 1GB-urandom.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  10737418240 Mar  2 16:22 10GB-urandom.bin

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   1073741824 Mar  2 16:15 1GB-urandom.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  10737418240 Mar  2 16:22 10GB-urandom.bin

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   1073741824 Mar  2 16:16 1GB-urandom.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  10737418240 Mar  2 16:22 10GB-urandom.bin

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