
There was a discussion about file system bugs with macppc.  My dual
core macppc never completed a make release.  I get various panics.
One of them is below.


panic: vref used where vget required
Stopped at      db_enter+0x24:  lwz r11,12(r1)
 192060  78628     21         0x2          0    0  c++
*132472  74971      0     0x14000      0x200    1K pagedaemon
db_enter() at db_enter+0x20
panic(91373c) at panic+0x158
vref(23b8fa20) at vref+0xac
uvm_vnp_uncache(e7eb7c50) at uvm_vnp_uncache+0x88
ffs_write(7ed2e423) at ffs_write+0x3b0
VOP_WRITE(23b8fa20,e7eb7c50,40,1ff3f60) at VOP_WRITE+0x48
uvn_io(7ed2e423,a93d0c,a93814,ffffffff,e4010000) at uvn_io+0x264
uvn_put(414b673a,e7eb7dd4,24f00070,5326e90) at uvn_put+0x64
uvm_pager_put(0,0,e7eb7d70,6ee0b8,2000000,80000000,0) at uvm_pager_put+0x15c
uvmpd_scan_inactive(0) at uvmpd_scan_inactive+0x224
uvmpd_scan() at uvmpd_scan+0x158
uvm_pageout(7e932633) at uvm_pageout+0x398
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0x14
end trace frame: 0x0, count: 2
https://www.openbsd.org/ddb.html describes the minimum info required in bug
reports.  Insufficient info makes it difficult to find and fix bugs.

ddb{1}> x/s version
version:        OpenBSD 7.1-beta (GENERIC.MP) #0: Sun Mar 27 17:00:33 CEST 

ddb{1}> show register
r0              0x5320c8        panic+0x15c
r1            0xe7eb7ae0
r2                     0
r3              0xa96878        cpu_info+0x4c0
r4              0xae0000        ip_shuffle+0x143a
r5                   0x1
r6                     0
r7            0xe7bb9000
r8                     0
r9                     0
r10           0x8dce1742
r11           0xa317a337
r12           0x3e12c441
r13                    0
r14                    0
r15           0xe0410800
r16           0xffffffee
r17             0x5c9000        uvm_coredump_walkmap+0x4bc
r18                    0
r19               0x1000        tlbdsmsize+0xf18
r20                    0
r21           0xe7eb7bb0
r22                  0x1
r23               0x1000        tlbdsmsize+0xf18
r24                  0xe
r25                0x172        tlbdsmsize+0x8a
r26           0x23b8fa20
r27                    0
r28                    0
r29             0xa96b38        cpu_info+0x780
r30             0x91373c        digits+0x45ba
r31                 0x12
lr              0x498748        db_enter+0x24
cr            0x48844022
xer           0x20000000
ctr             0x17f3d4        openpic_splx
iar             0x498748        db_enter+0x24
msr               0x9032        tlbdsmsize+0x8f4a
dar                    0
dsisr                  0
db_enter+0x24:  lwz r11,12(r1)

ddb{1}> trace 
db_enter() at db_enter+0x20
panic(91373c) at panic+0x158
vref(23b8fa20) at vref+0xac
uvm_vnp_uncache(e7eb7c50) at uvm_vnp_uncache+0x88
ffs_write(7ed2e423) at ffs_write+0x3b0
VOP_WRITE(23b8fa20,e7eb7c50,40,1ff3f60) at VOP_WRITE+0x48
uvn_io(7ed2e423,a93d0c,a93814,ffffffff,e4010000) at uvn_io+0x264
uvn_put(414b673a,e7eb7dd4,24f00070,5326e90) at uvn_put+0x64
uvm_pager_put(0,0,e7eb7d70,6ee0b8,2000000,80000000,0) at uvm_pager_put+0x15c
uvmpd_scan_inactive(0) at uvmpd_scan_inactive+0x224
uvmpd_scan() at uvmpd_scan+0x158
uvm_pageout(7e932633) at uvm_pageout+0x398
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0x14
end trace frame: 0x0, count: -13

ddb{1}> ps
   PID     TID   PPID    UID  S       FLAGS  WAIT          COMMAND
 78628  192060  72147     21  7         0x2                c++
 72147  489056   9849     21  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       sh
 10653  300865  75816     21  2         0x2                c++
 75816  477707   9849     21  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       sh
  9849  475255  86140     21  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       make
 86140  237786  94903     21  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       sh
 94903  247820  75331     21  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       make
 75331  356362  90597     21  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       sh
 90597   16520   5236     21  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       make
  5236  351443  27968     21  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       sh
 27968  240667   3478     21  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       make
  3478  145271  10793     21  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       sh
 10793   87701  19542     21  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       make
 19542  448525  95262      0  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       sh
 95262   95299  29932      0  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       make
 29932  261582  58717      0  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       make
 58717  220007   6733      0  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       sh
  6733  129838  34438      0  3        0x82  piperd        perl
 34438  488200   1602      0  3    0x10008a  sigsusp       ksh
  1602  120993  86988      0  3        0x9a  kqread        sshd
 21467  272783      1      0  3    0x100083  ttyin         getty
 26206  191893      1      0  3    0x100098  kqread        cron
 78257  293727      1     99  3   0x1100090  kqread        sndiod
 48489  406702      1    110  3    0x100090  kqread        sndiod
 83262  149816  94059     95  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
 65302  116588  94059    103  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
 35280   87041  94059     95  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
 12802  253380  94059     95  3    0x100092  kqread        smtpd
 48012  298501  94059     95  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
 67062  190675  94059     95  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
 94059    7684      1      0  3    0x100080  kqread        smtpd
 48958   47627      1      0  3    0x100080  kqread        snmpd
 15401  386975      1     91  3   0x1000092  kqread        snmpd
 86988  406235      1      0  3        0x88  kqread        sshd
  7066  228935      0      0  3     0x14280  nfsidl        nfsio
 77405  405371      0      0  3     0x14280  nfsidl        nfsio
 99125  495740      0      0  3     0x14280  nfsidl        nfsio
 42105  371863      0      0  3     0x14280  nfsidl        nfsio
 80710   89879      1      0  3    0x100080  kqread        ntpd
 40853  100988  41758     83  3    0x100092  kqread        ntpd
 41758   38471      1     83  3   0x1100092  kqread        ntpd
 45357  506743  33137     74  3   0x1100092  bpf           pflogd
 33137  170218      1      0  3        0x80  netio         pflogd
 81222  454332  98725     73  3   0x1100090  kqread        syslogd
 98725  309342      1      0  3    0x100082  netio         syslogd
 25196   82557      1      0  3    0x100080  kqread        resolvd
 58552  144413  34351     77  3    0x100092  kqread        dhcpleased
 33697   90306  34351     77  3    0x100092  kqread        dhcpleased
 34351  268185      1      0  3        0x80  kqread        dhcpleased
  4579   93540  30880    115  3    0x100092  kqread        slaacd
 32517   36077  30880    115  3    0x100092  kqread        slaacd
 30880  245934      1      0  3    0x100080  kqread        slaacd
 58430  401259      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         smr
 97393  437221      0      0  3  0x40014200                idle1
 92896   40394      0      0  2     0x14200                zerothread
 27316  207944      0      0  3     0x14200  aiodoned      aiodoned
 43024  470848      0      0  3     0x14200  syncer        update
  8218   28414      0      0  3     0x14200  cleaner       cleaner
 45367  152851      0      0  3     0x14200  reaper        reaper
*74971  132472      0      0  7     0x14200                pagedaemon
 99639  511104      0      0  3     0x14200  usbtsk        usbtask
 31543  311367      0      0  3     0x14200  usbatsk       usbatsk
 39507  475522      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         sensors
 60981  321227      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         softnet
 94205   26738      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         systqmp
 63454  167241      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         systq
  1214  185125      0      0  3  0x40014200  bored         softclock
 53285  510407      0      0  3  0x40014200                idle0
     1  442962      0      0  3        0x82  wait          init
     0       0     -1      0  3     0x10200  scheduler     swapper

ddb{1}> show uvm
Current UVM status:
  pagesize=4096 (0x1000), pagemask=0xfff, pageshift=12
  500901 VM pages: 181446 active, 177369 inactive, 1 wired, 40159 free (1394 
  min  10% (25) anon, 10% (25) vnode, 5% (12) vtext
  freemin=16696, free-target=22261, inactive-target=127413, wired-max=166967
  faults=969279111, traps=0, intrs=1156789, ctxswitch=15089510 fpuswitch=3240208
  softint=8277060, syscalls=1385969563, kmapent=10
  fault counts:
    noram=0, noanon=0, noamap=0, pgwait=0, pgrele=0
    ok relocks(total)=632804(635687), anget(retries)=781269624(0), 
    neighbor anon/obj pg=68727495/141620964, gets(lock/unlock)=49202935/636600
    cases: anon=779506056, anoncow=1763568, obj=42561230, prcopy=6637909, 
  daemon and swap counts:
    woke=4, revs=1, scans=23684, obscans=23496, anscans=0
    busy=0, freed=23495, reactivate=188, deactivate=0
    pageouts=1, pending=0, nswget=0
    swpages=589823, swpginuse=0, swpgonly=0 paging=0
  kernel pointers:

ddb{1}> show vnode /f 0x23b8fa20
tag UFS(1) type VREG(1) mount 0xe040e800 typedata 0x0
data 0x23cedc00 usecount 0 writecount 0 holdcnt 2 numoutput 0
clean bufs:
 bp 0x3d3ce650
  vp 0x23b8fa20 lblkno 0x172 blkno 0xa2cfa0 dev 0xa
  proc 0x0 error 0 flags 6008110<BUSY,DONE,READ,BC,DMA>
  bufsize 0x4000 bcount 0x4000 resid 0x0
  data 0xe5990000 saveaddr 0x0 dep 0x0 iodone 0x0
  dirty {off 0x0 end 0x0} valid {off 0x0 end 0x0}
 bp 0x22b31380
  vp 0x23b8fa20 lblkno 0xfffffffffffffff4 blkno 0xa2a2c0 dev 0xa
  proc 0x0 error 0 flags 6008120<CACHE,DONE,READ,BC,DMA>
  bufsize 0x4000 bcount 0x4000 resid 0x0
  data 0xe4d30000 saveaddr 0x0 dep 0x0 iodone 0x0
  dirty {off 0x0 end 0x0} valid {off 0x0 end 0x0}
dirty bufs:

>> OpenBSD/macppc BOOT 1.11
booting /ht/pci@5/k2-sata-root/k2-sata@0/disk@0:/bsd: 9992304+514852 
[ using 1313668 bytes of bsd ELF symbol table ]
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
        The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2022 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.  https://www.OpenBSD.org

OpenBSD 7.1-beta (GENERIC.MP) #0: Sun Mar 27 17:00:33 CEST 2022
real mem = 2147483648 (2048MB)
avail mem = 2051588096 (1956MB)
random: good seed from bootblocks
mpath0 at root
scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
mainbus0 at root: model PowerMac7,3
cpu0 at mainbus0: 970 (Revision 0x202): 1800 MHz
cpu1 at mainbus0: 970 (Revision 0x202): 1800 MHz
mem0 at mainbus0
spdmem0 at mem0: 1GB DDR SDRAM non-parity PC3200CL3.0
spdmem1 at mem0: 1GB DDR SDRAM non-parity PC3200CL3.0
spdmem2 at mem0: 512MB DDR SDRAM non-parity PC3200CL2.5
spdmem3 at mem0: 512MB DDR SDRAM non-parity PC3200CL2.5
memc0 at mainbus0: u3 rev 0xb3
kiic0 at memc0 offset 0xf8001000
iic0 at kiic0
lmtemp0 at iic0 addr 0x4a: ds1775
maxtmp0 at iic0 addr 0x4c: max6690
maxtmp1 at iic0 addr 0x4e: max6690
"cy28508" at iic0 addr 0x69 not configured
"cy2213" at iic0 addr 0x65 not configured
fcu0 at iic0 addr 0xaf
"pca9556" at iic0 addr 0x18 not configured
adc0 at iic0 addr 0x2c: ad7417
"24256" at iic0 addr 0x50 not configured
"pca9556" at iic0 addr 0x19 not configured
adc1 at iic0 addr 0x2d: ad7417
"24256" at iic0 addr 0x51 not configured
"dart" at memc0 offset 0xf8033000 not configured
"mpic" at memc0 offset 0xf8040000 not configured
mpcpcibr0 at mainbus0 pci: u3-agp
pci0 at mpcpcibr0 bus 0
pchb0 at pci0 dev 11 function 0 "Apple U3 AGP" rev 0x00
appleagp0 at pchb0
agp0 at appleagp0: aperture at 0x0, size 0x10000000
ht0 at mainbus0: u3-ht, 6 devices
pci1 at ht0 bus 0
hpb0 at pci1 dev 1 function 0 "Apple U3" rev 0x00: 85 sources
pci2 at hpb0 bus 1
macobio0 at pci2 dev 7 function 0 "Apple K2 Macio" rev 0x60
openpic0 at macobio0 offset 0x40000: version 0x4614 feature 770302 LE
macgpio0 at macobio0 offset 0x50
"pmu-interrupt" at macgpio0 offset 0x9 not configured
"programmer-switch" at macgpio0 offset 0x11 not configured
"modem-reset" at macgpio0 offset 0x1d not configured
"modem-power" at macgpio0 offset 0x1e not configured
"fcu-interrupt" at macgpio0 offset 0x15 not configured
"fcu-hw-reset" at macgpio0 offset 0x3a not configured
"slewing-done" at macgpio0 offset 0x23 not configured
"codec-input-data-mux" at macgpio0 offset 0xb not configured
"line-input-detect" at macgpio0 offset 0xc not configured
"codec-error-irq" at macgpio0 offset 0xd not configured
"dig-hw-reset" at macgpio0 offset 0x14 not configured
"line-output-detect" at macgpio0 offset 0x16 not configured
"headphone-detect" at macgpio0 offset 0x17 not configured
"codec-irq" at macgpio0 offset 0x18 not configured
"headphone-mute" at macgpio0 offset 0x1f not configured
"amp-mute" at macgpio0 offset 0x20 not configured
"hw-reset" at macgpio0 offset 0x24 not configured
"line-output-mute" at macgpio0 offset 0x25 not configured
"codec-clock-mux" at macgpio0 offset 0x26 not configured
"escc-legacy" at macobio0 offset 0x12000 not configured
zs0 at macobio0 offset 0x13000: irq 22,23
zstty0 at zs0 channel 0: console
zstty1 at zs0 channel 1
kiic1 at macobio0 offset 0x18000
iic1 at kiic1
aoa0 at macobio0 offset 0x10000: irq 30,1,2
"timer" at macobio0 offset 0x15000 not configured
adb0 at macobio0 offset 0x16000
apm0 at adb0: battery flags 0x9, 0% charged
piic0 at adb0
iic2 at piic0
"fans" at macobio0 offset 0x4c not configured
audio0 at aoa0
ohci0 at pci2 dev 8 function 0 "Apple K2 USB" rev 0x00: irq 27, version 1.0, 
legacy support
ohci1 at pci2 dev 9 function 0 "Apple K2 USB" rev 0x00: irq 28, version 1.0, 
legacy support
usb0 at ohci0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0 at usb0 configuration 1 interface 0 "Apple OHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 
addr 1
usb1 at ohci1: USB revision 1.0
uhub1 at usb1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Apple OHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 
addr 1
ppb0 at pci1 dev 2 function 0 "Apple U3" rev 0x00
pci3 at ppb0 bus 5
bwi0 at pci3 dev 1 function 0 "Broadcom BCM4306" rev 0x03: irq 57, address 
em0 at pci3 dev 4 function 0 "Intel 82546GB" rev 0x03: irq 54, address 
em1 at pci3 dev 4 function 1 "Intel 82546GB" rev 0x03: irq 54, address 
ohci2 at pci3 dev 11 function 0 "NEC USB" rev 0x43: irq 63, version 1.0
ohci3 at pci3 dev 11 function 1 "NEC USB" rev 0x43: irq 63, version 1.0
ehci0 at pci3 dev 11 function 2 "NEC USB" rev 0x04: irq 63
usb2 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub2 at usb2 configuration 1 interface 0 "NEC EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 
addr 1
usb3 at ohci2: USB revision 1.0
uhub3 at usb3 configuration 1 interface 0 "NEC OHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 
addr 1
usb4 at ohci3: USB revision 1.0
uhub4 at usb4 configuration 1 interface 0 "NEC OHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 
addr 1
ppb1 at pci1 dev 3 function 0 "Apple U3" rev 0x00
pci4 at ppb1 bus 2
kauaiata0 at pci4 dev 13 function 0 "Apple K2 ATA" rev 0x00
wdc0 at kauaiata0 irq 39: DMA
atapiscsi0 at wdc0 channel 0 drive 0
scsibus1 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets
cd0 at scsibus1 targ 0 lun 0: <PIONEER, DVD-RW DVR-117D, B705> removable
cd0(wdc0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 4
"Apple K2 Firewire" rev 0x00 at pci4 dev 14 function 0 not configured
ppb2 at pci1 dev 4 function 0 "Apple U3" rev 0x00
pci5 at ppb2 bus 3
gem0 at pci5 dev 15 function 0 "Apple K2 GMAC" rev 0x00: irq 41, address 
brgphy0 at gem0 phy 1: BCM54K2 10/100/1000baseT PHY, rev. 0
ppb3 at pci1 dev 5 function 0 "Apple U3" rev 0x00
pci6 at ppb3 bus 4
pciide0 at pci6 dev 12 function 0 "ServerWorks K2 SATA" rev 0x00: DMA
pciide0: using irq 0 for native-PCI interrupt
pciide0: port 0: 1.5Gb/s
wd0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 0: <ST380013AS>
wd0: 16-sector PIO, LBA48, 76319MB, 156301488 sectors
wd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 6
pciide0: port 1: PHY offline
pciide0: port 2: PHY offline
pciide0: port 3: PHY offline
vscsi0 at root
scsibus2 at vscsi0: 256 targets
softraid0 at root
scsibus3 at softraid0: 256 targets
bootpath: /ht/pci@5/k2-sata-root/k2-sata@0/disk@0:/bsd
root on wd0a (6102496318219727.a) swap on wd0b dump on wd0b
Automatic boot in progress: starting file system checks.
/dev/wd0a (6102496318219727.a): file system is clean; not checking
/dev/wd0l (6102496318219727.l): file system is clean; not checking
/dev/wd0d (6102496318219727.d): file system is clean; not checking
/dev/wd0f (6102496318219727.f): file system is clean; not checking
/dev/wd0g (6102496318219727.g): file system is clean; not checking
/dev/wd0h (6102496318219727.h): file system is clean; not checking
/dev/wd0k (6102496318219727.k): file system is clean; not checking
/dev/wd0j (6102496318219727.j): file system is clean; not checking
/dev/wd0e (6102496318219727.e): file system is clean; not checking
pf enabled
ddb.console: 0 -> 1
ddb.log: 1 -> 0
ddb.max_line: 24 -> 0
ddb.max_width: 80 -> 0
kern.allowdt: 0 -> 1
kern.allowkmem: 0 -> 1
kern.nosuidcoredump: 1 -> 3
kern.pool_debug: 1 -> 1
kern.splassert: 1 -> 2
sysctl: kern.witness.watch: specification is incomplete
net.inet.etherip.allow: 0 -> 1
net.inet.ip.forwarding: 0 -> 1
net.inet.ipcomp.enable: 0 -> 1
net.inet.ipip.allow: 0 -> 1
net.inet6.ip6.forwarding: 0 -> 1
vm.malloc_conf:  -> CFGJU
starting network
reordering libraries: done.
starting early daemons: syslogd pflogd ntpd.
starting RPC daemons:.
savecore: no core dump
checking quotas: done.
clearing /tmp
kern.securelevel: 0 -> 1
creating runtime link editor directory cache.
preserving editor files.
starting network daemons: sshd snmpd smtpd sndiod.
starting local daemons: cron.
Sun Mar 27 17:02:39 CEST 2022
reorder_kernel: failed -- see /usr/share/relink/kernel/GENERIC.MP/relink.log

OpenBSD/macppc (ot26.obsd-lab.genua.de) (console)


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