>Synopsis:      rc_pre() not properly checking spamd rc variables
>Category:      system
        System      : OpenBSD 7.0
        Details     : OpenBSD 7.0 (GENERIC.MP) #5: Mon Jan 31 09:09:02 MST 2022

        Architecture: OpenBSD.amd64
        Machine     : amd64
        In revision 1.1 of /etc/rc.d/spamlogd, the rc_pre() function
        ensures that spamd is enabled and not operating in blacklist-only
        mode.  Perfect.

        However, revision 1.2 introduced a bug when the code to create
        the pflog0 interface was added. Checking whether spamd is enabled
        or not is essentially ignored.

        The creation of the pflog0 interface should not be done in
        rc.d/spamlogd because the interface is already created in
        rc.d/pflogd (it's the exact same in fact). This seems reasonable
        because pflogd is enabled by default and starts before spamlogd.

        Instead, rc.d/spamlogd should just check the pflogd flag along
        with the spamd flags.

--- spamlogd,v 1.4
+++ /tmp/spamlogd       Thu Mar 24 04:26:16 2022
@@ -9,17 +9,7 @@
 rc_pre() {
-       [[ ${spamd_flags} != NO && ${spamd_black} == NO ]]
-       if pfctl -si | grep -q Enabled; then
-               ifconfig pflog0 create
-               if ifconfig pflog0; then
-                       ifconfig pflog0 up
-               else
-                       return 1
-               fi
-       else
-               return 1
-       fi
+       [[ ${spamd_flags} != NO && ${spamd_black} == NO && ${pflogd_flags} != 
NO ]]
 rc_cmd $1

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