On 13.5.2022. 4:19, David Gwynne wrote:
> sorry i'm late to the party. can you try this diff?
> this diff replaces the list of ports with an array/map of ports.
> the map takes references to all the ports, so the forwarding paths
> just have to hold a reference to the map to be able to use all the
> ports. the forwarding path uses smr to get hold of a map, takes a map
> ref, and then leaves the smr crit section before iterating over the map
> and pushing packets.
> this means we should only take and release a single refcnt when
> we're pushing packets out any number of ports.
> if no span ports are configured, then there's no span port map and
> we don't try and take a ref, we can just return early.
> we also only take and release a single refcnt when we forward the
> actual packet. forwarding to a single port provided by an etherbridge
> lookup already takes/releases the single port ref. if it falls
> through that for unknown unicast or broadcast/multicast, then it's
> a single refcnt for the current map of all ports.


and with this diff i can't trigger panic ...

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