On Sat, May 21, 2022 at 04:35:25AM -0400, Johan Huldtgren wrote:
> hello,
> I tried to update my server from 7.0 to 7.1 tonight but after the upgrade 
> booting 7.1 it just
> hangs after having mounted the filesystems.

could you describe the filesystems you are mounting ? ffs, nfs, mfs ? showing 
your /etc/fstab ?

having the exact output at hangs time could also help to figure which step is 

how long do you wait before considering it hangs ? (could it be possible 
network timeout ?)

is the host responding to ping ?

> After leaving it for a long time and it never
> proceeds past that. This is an MP system but using the SP kernel has the same 
> result.

good to know that MP and SP has the same problem.

> I tried
> booting bsd.rd which works and installing the latest snap has the same result.

good to know that -current has the same problem.

> I then fetched
> the bsd.mp from the 7.0 directory but that fails to boot but with
> Process (pid 1) got signal 11

it is (somehow) expected. you are trying to run 7.1 userland (/sbin/init here) 
with a 7.0 kernel and it isn't a supported configuration.
> just repeating on the screen forever.
> This server has been running OpenBSD for a very long time and has generally 
> not had many
> problems. As I can't bring it up I transposed dmesg from looking at 
> /var/run/dmesg.out
> after booting bsd.rd, any hints on what I can do to revive my server would be 
> appreciated.

Immediate revive implies reinstalling 7.0.

Things to try to help debugging:

- You could try to boot on bsd.rd, go in shell, and try disabling what it is 
  running at boot time (/etc/rc.conf.local, /etc/rc.local).

- adding "set -x" at top of /etc/rc could be useful too (to see the last 
  command before hang)

- The fact that bsd.rd is fine (kernel + userland: you upgraded) might implies 
  that some kernel elements in GENERIC.MP are broken. but it seems you are 
  reaching GENERIC.MP userland and run it successfully (/etc/rc is already 
  running to mount filesystems before your hang). so for now I am unsure which 
  device could be disabled in boot_config(8) to test it.

Sebastien Marie

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