Hi all,

I can reproduce panic when sending ip6 traffic over vport and destroying
pfsync interface. It is reproducible with veb and vport but i couldn't
trigger panic when forwarding ip6 over physical interfaces.

I've compiled kernel with source fetched half an hour ago just to enable

r620-1# ifconfig pfsync0 destroy
panicu:v m_ f  a u lt ( 0 x  f ff f  f ff f 8  2 3 ba 6 1  8 ,  0  x 17
,    0,   2  )  -
>    e
 pkoeronle_cla: c he _  i t em _ m  a gi c  _ ch e c k  :  m b  u fp l
 c pu   f  r ee
 l  i s t  m o  d if i e  d :  i  t em    a d dr   0
xpfagfef f fd 8 0  a 4 1 c3 f  0 0 +2 4    0 x a f5 5  1 e 6f 8 f  9 0
25 5  f != 0 x  a f
 55 1 e  6 f8  f 35  f d 5 f
 fStopped at      db_enter+0x10:  popq    %rbp
 317552  39553      0     0x14000      0x200    2K softnet
 504828  12606      0     0x14000      0x200    4  softnet
*283345  81494      0     0x14000      0x200    3  softnet
db_enter() at db_enter+0x10
panic(ffffffff81f39222) at panic+0xbf
pool_cache_get(ffffffff82323228) at pool_cache_get+0x25b
pool_get(ffffffff82323228,2) at pool_get+0x61
m_gethdr(2,1) at m_gethdr+0x3f
pfsync_sendout() at pfsync_sendout+0xe9
pfsync_update_state(fffffd839f1f8950) at pfsync_update_state+0x15b
pf_test(18,1,ffff800000095048,ffff800022c6ae30) at pf_test+0xd53
veb_pf(ffff800000095048,1,fffffd80a3594900) at veb_pf+0xbf
 at veb_port_input+0x2ce
ether_input(ffff800000095048,fffffd80a3594900) at ether_input+0x100
if_input_process(ffff800000095048,ffff800022c6afc8) at if_input_process+0x6f
ifiq_process(ffff800000099800) at ifiq_process+0x69
taskq_thread(ffff800000031100) at taskq_thread+0x11a
end trace frame: 0x0, count: 1
https://www.openbsd.org/ddb.html describes the minimum info required in
bug reports.  Insufficient info makes it difficult to find and fix bugs.

ddb{3}> show panic
*cpu3: pool_cache_item_magic_check: mbufpl cpu free list modified: item
addr 0xfffffd80a41c3f00+24 0xaf551e6f8f90255f!=0xaf551e6f8f35fd5f
 cpu2: uvm_fault(0xffffffff823ba618, 0x17, 0, 2) -> e

ddb{3}> show reg
rdi                                0
rsi                             0x14
rbp               0xffff800022c6a960
rbx               0xfffffd842f835c00
rdx               0xc800000000000000
rcx                            0x282
rax                             0x8a
r8                 0x101010101010101
r9                                 0
r10               0xedcd3183c339b665
r11                0xb0f0eb58b1d2563
r12               0xffff80002241ca60
r13                                0
r14                                0
r15               0xffffffff81f39222    cmd0646_9_tim_udma+0x314d8
rip               0xffffffff8118e200    db_enter+0x10
cs                               0x8
rflags                         0x206
rsp               0xffff800022c6a960
ss                              0x10
db_enter+0x10:  popq    %rbp

ddb{3}> show all locks
Process 39553 (softnet) thread 0xffff8000ffffed20 (317552)
shared rwlock netlock r = 0 (0xffffffff822c6550)
shared rwlock softnet r = 0 (0xffff800000031370)
Process 12606 (softnet) thread 0xffff8000ffffe000 (504828)
shared rwlock netlock r = 0 (0xffffffff822c6550)
shared rwlock softnet r = 0 (0xffff800000031270)
Process 81494 (softnet) thread 0xffff8000ffffe2a0 (283345)
shared rwlock netlock r = 0 (0xffffffff822c6550)
shared rwlock softnet r = 0 (0xffff800000031170)
Process 96881 (softnet) thread 0xffff8000ffffe540 (159803)
shared rwlock softnet r = 0 (0xffff800000031070)
Process 26865 (systq) thread 0xffff8000ffffea80 (449324)
shared rwlock systq r = 0 (0xffffffff822dd728)
Process 93339 (softclock) thread 0xffff8000ffffefc0 (160018)
shared rwlock timeout r = 0 (0xffffffff822b6000)

ddb{3}> ps
   PID     TID   PPID    UID  S       FLAGS  WAIT          COMMAND
 39455  263128  42512      0  3         0x3  netlock       ifconfig
 42512  258140      1      0  3    0x10008b  sigsusp       ksh
 34696  282706      1      0  3    0x100098  kqread        cron
 86943  298932  81565     95  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
 34037  448643  81565    103  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
 17802  340759  81565     95  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
 54979  438478  81565     95  3    0x100092  kqread        smtpd
 29724  438684  81565     95  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
  3110  313509  81565     95  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
 81565  137591      1      0  3    0x100080  kqread        smtpd
 81008  204817      1      0  3        0x88  kqread        sshd
 72442  275002      1      0  3    0x100080  kqread        ntpd
 97406  453489  91190     83  3    0x100092  kqread        ntpd
 91190  488051      1     83  3   0x1100012  netlock       ntpd
 31521   42595   4468     73  3   0x1100090  kqread        syslogd
  4468   43476      1      0  3    0x100082  netio         syslogd
 66713  499933      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         smr
 73608  203287      0      0  3     0x14200  pgzero        zerothread
 21951  139825      0      0  3     0x14200  aiodoned      aiodoned
 54722   61330      0      0  3     0x14200  syncer        update
 93833  423450      0      0  3     0x14200  cleaner       cleaner
 63772   65566      0      0  3     0x14200  reaper        reaper
 52126   91640      0      0  3     0x14200  pgdaemon      pagedaemon
 47046  419680      0      0  3     0x14200  usbtsk        usbtask
 31188  138481      0      0  3     0x14200  usbatsk       usbatsk
 52102  131157      0      0  3  0x40014200  acpi0         acpi0
 81077   74193      0      0  7  0x40014200                idle5
 53938  206103      0      0  3  0x40014200                idle4
 18201  305025      0      0  3  0x40014200                idle3
   373  241128      0      0  3  0x40014200                idle2
 61581  113335      0      0  7  0x40014200                idle1
 19442  218158      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         sensors
 39553  317552      0      0  7     0x14200                softnet
 12606  504828      0      0  7     0x14200                softnet
*81494  283345      0      0  7     0x14200                softnet
 96881  159803      0      0  3     0x14200  netlock       softnet
 57572  293943      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         systqmp
 26865  449324      0      0  3     0x14200  netlock       systq
 93339  160018      0      0  3  0x40014200  netlock       softclock
 69454  397018      0      0  7  0x40014200                idle0
     1   44029      0      0  3        0x82  wait          init
     0       0     -1      0  3     0x10200  scheduler     swapper

ddb{3}> ps /o
 317552  39553      0     0x14000      0x200    2K softnet
 504828  12606      0     0x14000      0x200    4  softnet
*283345  81494      0     0x14000      0x200    3  softnet

ddb{3}> trace /t 0t317552
vport_if_enqueue(ffff80000074b000,fffffd80a3f1de00) at vport_if_enqueue+0x19
 at veb_port_input+0x5b0
ether_input(ffff800000095048,fffffd80a3f1de00) at ether_input+0x100
if_input_process(ffff800000095048,ffff800022c77708) at if_input_process+0x6f
ifiq_process(ffff800000099600) at ifiq_process+0x69
taskq_thread(ffff800000031300) at taskq_thread+0x11a
end trace frame: 0x0, count: -6

ddb{3}> trace /t 0t504828
vport_if_enqueue(ffff80000074b000,fffffd80a4213b00) at vport_if_enqueue+0x19
 at veb_port_input+0x5b0
ether_input(ffff800000095048,fffffd80a4213b00) at ether_input+0x100
if_input_process(ffff800000095048,ffff800022c70eb8) at if_input_process+0x6f
ifiq_process(ffff800000099900) at ifiq_process+0x69
taskq_thread(ffff800000031200) at taskq_thread+0x11a
end trace frame: 0x0, count: -6

ddb{3}> trace /t 0t283345
kernel: protection fault trap, code=0
Faulted in DDB; continuing...

ddb{3}> mach ddbcpu 0
Stopped at      x86_ipi_db+0x12:        leave
x86_ipi_db(ffffffff822c4ff0) at x86_ipi_db+0x12
x86_ipi_handler() at x86_ipi_handler+0x80
Xresume_lapic_ipi() at Xresume_lapic_ipi+0x23
__mp_lock(ffffffff823d5580) at __mp_lock+0xa0
softintr_dispatch(0) at softintr_dispatch+0x49
Xsoftclock() at Xsoftclock+0x1f
acpicpu_idle() at acpicpu_idle+0x203
sched_idle(ffffffff822c4ff0) at sched_idle+0x280
end trace frame: 0x0, count: 7

ddb{0}> mach ddbcpu 1
Stopped at      x86_ipi_db+0x12:        leave
x86_ipi_db(ffff800022409ff0) at x86_ipi_db+0x12
x86_ipi_handler() at x86_ipi_handler+0x80
Xresume_lapic_ipi() at Xresume_lapic_ipi+0x23
acpicpu_idle() at acpicpu_idle+0x203
sched_idle(ffff800022409ff0) at sched_idle+0x280
end trace frame: 0x0, count: 10

ddb{1}> mach ddbcpu 2
Stopped at      x86_ipi_db+0x12:        leave
x86_ipi_db(ffff800022412ff0) at x86_ipi_db+0x12
x86_ipi_handler() at x86_ipi_handler+0x80
Xresume_lapic_ipi() at Xresume_lapic_ipi+0x23
x86_bus_space_io_write_1(2f8,0,66) at x86_bus_space_io_write_1+0x19
comcnputc(801,66) at comcnputc+0xcb
cnputc(66) at cnputc+0x37
db_putchar(66) at db_putchar+0x2ea
kprintf() at kprintf+0x133b
db_printf(ffffffff81f2d83d) at db_printf+0x69
db_ktrap(6,0,ffff800022c76eb0) at db_ktrap+0x196
kerntrap(ffff800022c76eb0) at kerntrap+0xa2
alltraps_kern_meltdown() at alltraps_kern_meltdown+0x7b
pfsync_grab_snapshot(ffff800022c76fc0,ffff80000073c000) at
pfsync_sendout() at pfsync_sendout+0x89
end trace frame: 0xffff800022c770f0, count: 0

ddb{2}> mach ddbcpu 3
Stopped at      db_enter+0x10:  popq    %rbp
db_enter() at db_enter+0x10
panic(ffffffff81f39222) at panic+0xbf
pool_cache_get(ffffffff82323228) at pool_cache_get+0x25b
pool_get(ffffffff82323228,2) at pool_get+0x61
m_gethdr(2,1) at m_gethdr+0x3f
pfsync_sendout() at pfsync_sendout+0xe9
pfsync_update_state(fffffd839f1f8950) at pfsync_update_state+0x15b
pf_test(18,1,ffff800000095048,ffff800022c6ae30) at pf_test+0xd53
veb_pf(ffff800000095048,1,fffffd80a3594900) at veb_pf+0xbf
 at veb_port_input+0x2ce
ether_input(ffff800000095048,fffffd80a3594900) at ether_input+0x100
if_input_process(ffff800000095048,ffff800022c6afc8) at if_input_process+0x6f
ifiq_process(ffff800000099800) at ifiq_process+0x69
taskq_thread(ffff800000031100) at taskq_thread+0x11a
end trace frame: 0x0, count: 1

ddb{3}> mach ddbcpu 4
Stopped at      x86_ipi_db+0x12:        leave
x86_ipi_db(ffff800022424ff0) at x86_ipi_db+0x12
x86_ipi_handler() at x86_ipi_handler+0x80
Xresume_lapic_ipi() at Xresume_lapic_ipi+0x23
__mp_lock(ffffffff823d5580) at __mp_lock+0xb3
58,ffff800022c709d8) at ether_resolve+0x23b
8) at ether_output+0x2c
ip6_forward(fffffd80a4213b00,fffffd842c239858,0) at ip6_forward+0x5d1
ip6_input_if(ffff800022c70ca8,ffff800022c70cb4,29,0,ffff80000074b000) at
ipv6_input(ffff80000074b000,fffffd80a4213b00) at ipv6_input+0x39
ether_input(ffff80000074b000,fffffd80a4213b00) at ether_input+0x3ad
vport_if_enqueue(ffff80000074b000,fffffd80a4213b00) at vport_if_enqueue+0x19
 at veb_port_input+0x5b0
ether_input(ffff800000095048,fffffd80a4213b00) at ether_input+0x100
if_input_process(ffff800000095048,ffff800022c70eb8) at if_input_process+0x6f
end trace frame: 0xffff800022c70f00, count: 0

ddb{4}> mach ddbcpu 5
Stopped at      x86_ipi_db+0x12:        leave
x86_ipi_db(ffff80002242dff0) at x86_ipi_db+0x12
x86_ipi_handler() at x86_ipi_handler+0x80
Xresume_lapic_ipi() at Xresume_lapic_ipi+0x23
acpicpu_idle() at acpicpu_idle+0x203
sched_idle(ffff80002242dff0) at sched_idle+0x280
end trace frame: 0x0, count: 10

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