That strictness will break things for quite a lot of packages.

 Sent from a phone, apologies for poor formatting.

On 24 May 2022 08:58:46 "Matthew King" <> wrote:

While writing some documentation I noticed backup files turning up
in my mandoc.db and chased it down to what appears to be an oversight
when checking filename extensions in makewhatis.

The current behaviour allows anything to follow the section name
part of each page's filename. Perhaps this is to allow compressed
manpages but I couldn't find any overt reference to such a feature
in mandoc's documentation but rather it seemed to imply that the
section in the filename must exactly match that in the directory

    The mandoc.db(5) database is used for looking up manual page
    entries.  In cases where the database is absent, outdated, or
    corrupt, man falls back to looking for files called name.section.


    By default, makewhatis creates a database in each dir using
    the files mansection/[arch/]title.section and
    catsection/[arch/]title.0 in that directory.

The included patch fixes my issue by warning and rejecting a backup
file alongside a manpage's source but does so by changing the
behaviour of makewhatis to reject all files (by default) without a
precisely matching section name.

I did not check filescan thoroughly enough to determine for sure
whether it would also need a similar change but it doesn't look
like it.

I'm also not sure that I've got the indentation right.



ps. The diff is not included inline to avoid copy pasta issues as
I have an unrelated problem which forces me to post through webmail.

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