Here I opine from my user-perspective, treat is as such.


> Maybe just allowing 'term' in bindings is enough without documenting

If a user reads first, like I did,
then they might wonder why `term` bind function isn't working, but
if a user reads first,
then they might wonder why `command terminal` isn't working,
so this should be documented in both places
and in BUGS or CAVEATS section,
and either both `term` and `terminal` should be allowed in both places,
or leave it as it used to be, just document it.


Pieces of manpage about default `command`s don't reference each other.
It took me quite a few re-reads over quite a long period of time
to grasp what it is all about.

terminal  Spawn a new terminal.
lock      Lock the screen.

These don't mention their linkage to
and want a different description:
terminal  Spawn a new terminal. Default is xterm.
          Configurable with `command term path`. 
lock      Lock the screen. Default is xlock.
          Configurable with `command lock path`.

"The name entries term and lock have a special meaning.
They point to the terminal and screen locking programs
specified by key bindings.
The defaults are xterm(1) and xlock(1), respectively."

These don't mention their linkage to
I'd welcome:
The name entries term and lock have a special meaning.
They point to the terminal and screen locking programs
invoked via key bindings customizable with
`terminal` and `lock`, respectively. (see BIND FUNCTION LIST)
The defaults are xterm(1) and xlock(1), respectively.
The default key bindings are `CM-Return` and `CM-Delete`, respectively.
(see `man 1 cwm`)
Special entries term and lock are not displayed in the application menu.
Perhaps, this info is best displayed as a table...

Spawn “ssh to” dialog.
This parses $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts to provide host auto-completion.
ssh(1) will be executed via the configured terminal emulator.

This left me thinking for looong without finding an answer:
what is "the configured terminal emulator"?
until I completed the puzzle around the default `command term`.
I'd rewrite this spot as:
Spawn “ssh to” dialog.
This parses $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts to provide host auto-completion.
ssh(1) will be executed via the terminal emulator
specified in cwmrc(5) with:
command term path
The default is xterm(1).

And it perhaps should be in both `man cwm` and `man cwmrc`,
not only `man cwm`.

Now what if user prefers the default `xterm` for regular tasks
but another terminal for `ssh`? Go redefine `command term`
and set your custom terminal to `CM-Return`! Inflexible and laborious.
Wouldn't it be nicer to have a dedicated `ssh terminal` option?


Now, what if an application `terminal` or `lock` is brought
into existence, it would be a clash with `cwm`'s bind functions,
how does one `bind-key` then?
`"sh -c terminal"`
`"sh -c lock"`
Awkward. What if `cwm` extends the number of special `command`s?
Clashes are even likelier.

Moreover, "special commands" are not displayed in the app menu
as regular `command`s do.

I call for a dedicated keyword.
For `term` and `lock`, instead of
there would be:

Thus, if `cwmrc` implemented my take, it would contain, e.g.:
default   terminal          xterm   # instead of `command term xterm`
default   lock              xlock   # instead of `command lock xlock`
ssh       terminal          st      # instead of `command term st`
command   terminal          lxterminal
command  "default terminal" default terminal  # run xterm
command  "ssh terminal"     ssh     terminal  # run st
bind-key  CM-Return         default terminal
bind-key  CM-Delete         default lock


With Okan mentioning "inconsistent and overlooked"
(it is very pleasant to see such self-criticism in a project),
I'd like to continue further.
Again, here I opine from my user-perspective, treat is as such.


Short vs long forms in `cwmrc` - it uses both.

Long: most of `cwmrc` keywords, like `window-snap-up-right` or `bind-key`

C,M,S,4,5 instead of Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Windows, AltGr
`fg` and `bg` in `color menubg` and `color menufg`
`r` in `group-rcycle`, `window-rcycle`, `window-rcycle-ingroup`
`h` and `v` in

Some keywords happen to exist in both forms:
"cmd" in `menu-cmd`
but `command`
And the topic of the thread:
`command term` vs `bind-key ... terminal`

Either stick with short form,
or with long form,
or allow both as mutual aliases throughout.


Most of `cwmrc` complex keywords are
neatly consistently grouped left-to-right via a dash:

Some lumped without a dash left-to-right:
color menubg  # why not `menu-bg` or `menu-background`
color menufg  # why not `menu-fg` or `menu-foreground`

But some are lumped without a dash right-to-left:
color urgencyborder     # why not `border-urgency`
color activeborder      # why not `border-active`
color inactiveborder    # why not `border-inactive`
color font
color selfont           # why not `font-sel` or `font-selected`
window-movetogroup-[n]  # why not `window-group-moveto-[n]`

menu-cmd   Launch application search menu.
menu-exec  Launch “exec program” menu.

How does a reader know which one does what?

Especially given that there also is:

The latter replaces `cwm`, the former replaces nothing.

I'd write it like this:
menu-predefined  # instead of menu-cmd
   Launch a menu of entries predefined with `predefined name path`.
menu-run         # instead of menu-exec
   Launch a dialog to pick and run an executable from PATH,
   arguments are allowed.
menu-exec        # instead of menu-exec-wm
   Launch “exec” menu. The entry will replace `cwm`.
   Typical usage: alternative Window Managers and Desktop Environments,
   applications in kiosk mode and games.

`run` is a recognizable name for this kind of dialog.
`menu-exec` is stripped of `windowmanager`,
since window manager ilk is not the only candidate to replace `cwm`,
and `exec` echoes what you put into `.xsession` and `.xinitrc`.

Admittedly, `menu-exec` entries will also be "predefined"...


Although called "menus" and "dialogs" interchangeably in `man cwm{,rc}`,
they express different behavior:
menus   start as presenting a list, allowing for filtering it, whereas
dialogs start as presenting an input field,
        which upon typing displays a list of matching entries.

E.g. M3 on the root window invokes a menu whereas
`menu-cmd` bind function invokes a dialog.

A dialog may be turned into a menu
by pressing `C-a` (List all available items)
(menu doesn't turn into a dialog - once there are entries displayed,
the list never collapses, even having pressed `C-u` (Clear input))

I, for instance, don't understand why `cwm` launches a dialog,
not a menu, upon `menu-window` bind function,
thus initially hiding my windows from me.

It would be useful to have the ability to run all menus/dialogs
in user-preferred mode: as a menu or as a dialog.
So, `cwm` would handle:

menu-window           Launch window search menu.
menu-window-hidden    Launch hidden window search menu.
menu-cmd              Launch application search menu.
menu-group            Launch group search menu.
menu-exec             Launch “exec program” menu.
menu-exec-wm          Launch “exec WindowManager” menu.
menu-ssh              Launch “ssh” menu.
dialog-window         Launch window search dialog.
dialog-window-hidden  Launch hidden window search dialog.
dialog-cmd            Launch application search dialog.
dialog-group          Launch group search dialog.
dialog-exec           Launch “exec program” dialog.
dialog-exec-wm        Launch “exec WindowManager” dialog.
dialog-ssh            Launch “ssh” dialog.


Since `cwm` ships with pre-configured terminal and lock launching,
can restart and quit itself, it would be consistent to add
suspend, hibernate, reboot and shutdown
and perhaps some other commonly used actions...

`cwm` novice users would especially appreciate it if
reboot and shutdown were there (if it is possible)
due to them requiring additional privileges,
which novice users may not know how to configure.


Default keybindings of `cwm`  shipped in OpenBSD's base clash with
default keybindings of `tmux` shipped in OpenBSD's base.

I personally have got used to `4` (Super/Windows) key
for managing windows, and it never conflicts.
`cwm` defaults thoroughly avoid the `4` key...


Combining (most of) it:

`man 1 cwm`:
   Spawn “ssh to” menu. This parses $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts to provide
   host auto-completion. ssh(1) will be executed via the terminal
   emulator specified in cwmrc(5) with:
   ssh terminal path
   The default is xterm(1)."

`man 5 cwmrc`:
The following options are accepted:
  predefined name path
    Every name entry is shown in the application menu. When selected,
    the defined path is executed with execvp(3).
    |           | default     | default       |                        |
    | type      | application | key binding   | bind function          |
    |           |             | see man 1 cwm | see BIND FUNCTION LIST |
    | terminal  | xterm(1)    | 4-Return      | default terminal       |
    | lock      | xlock(1)    | 4-Delete      | default lock           |
    | suspend   | zzz(8)      | ...           | default suspend        |
    | hibernate | ZZZ(8)      | ...           | default hibernate      |
    | reboot    | ...         | ...           | default reboot         |
    | shutdown  | ...         | ...           | default shutdown       |
    customizable with:
    default type path
    the defined path is executed with ...
    When selected, the Calm Window Manager is replaced by path.
    Typical usage: alternative Window Managers and Desktop Environments,
    applications in kiosk mode and games.

  terminal  Spawn a new terminal. Default is xterm.
            Configurable with `default terminal path`. 
  lock      Lock the screen. Default is xlock.
            Configurable with `default lock path`.
  suspend   ... locks screen with `default lock`
  hibernate ... locks screen with `default lock`
  reboot    ...
  shutdown  ...
     `predefined name path` entries.
     Pick and run an executable from PATH, arguments are allowed.
     “exec name path” entries, will replace `cwm`.
     “ssh to”, parses $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts to provide host
     auto-completion. ssh(1) will be executed via the terminal emulator
     specified with:
     ssh terminal path
     The default is xterm(1).


default     terminal               xterm
default     lock                   xlock
default     suspend                ...
default     hibernate              ...
default     reboot                 ...
default     shutdown               ...
ssh         terminal               st

predefined "custom user terminal"  lxterminal
predefined "custom screen locker"  i3lock
predefined "default terminal"      default terminal  # xterm
predefined "default screen locker" default lock      # xlock
predefined "ssh terminal"          ssh     terminal  # st

exec        fvwm                   fvwm
exec        twm                    twm

bind-key    4-Return               default terminal
bind-key    4-Delete               default lock
bind-key    ...                    menu-predefined
bind-key    ...                    menu-run
bind-key    ...                    dialog-run
bind-key    ...                    menu-exec


Also - offtopic - a heavily missed feature:

  Maximize current window (gap honored, border removed).

Or alternative approach:
borderwidth           3
borderwidth-maximized 0

And furthermore it would be awesome (if it is possible):

  Vertically maximize current window
  (gap honored, horizontal border honored, vertical border removed).
  Horizontally maximize current window
  (gap honored, vertical border honored, horizontal border removed).


I don't code in `c`, so I can't help implement these wishes,
please excuse me.

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