
weekly bump.  Anyone (maybe jcs@) has an idea on how to debug this?

Cheers and thanks


* Claudio Miranda wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm the person whom Matthias linked to. Seems as though we're having
> the same issue with the touchpad in spite of them being different
> laptops. I'm using the snapshot from Sunday, 22 May 2022, but previous
> snapshots also had this issue. After some time, usually when using
> Firefox, but also while using other apps when Firefox isn't being
> used, the trackpad will just stop responding for a few seconds, or I
> have to tap it to get it to respond after a while. On rare occasions,
> it will completely stop working and I have to restart the laptop to
> get it working again (logging out and back in of X11 or restarting
> xenodm doesn't resolve it).
> Both our trackpads use imt(4). I've provided my dmesg, pcidump, and
> usbdevs info below. If you require me to submit this separately,
> please let me know and I'll do so. Thanks.
> Claudio Miranda

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