after 2 days uptime there was another crash.

OpenBSD 7.2-beta (GENERIC.MP) #712: Mon Aug 29 12:35:51 MDT 2022

ddb{2}> show panic
*cpu2: uvm_fault(0xffffffff823e0440, 0x0, 0, 2) -> e

ddb{2}> trace
amdgpu_vram_mgr_reserve_range(ffff8000226d3738,14,9) at amdgpu_vram_mgr_reserve
esp46_input(ffff8000226d3738,ffff8000226d3744,32,2) at esp46_input+0xee
ip_deliver(ffff8000226d3738,ffff8000226d3744,32,2) at ip_deliver+0x137
ipintr() at ipintr+0x69
if_netisr(0) at if_netisr+0xea
taskq_thread(ffff80000002c080) at taskq_thread+0x100
end trace frame: 0x0, count: -6

ddb{2}> show register
rdi               0xffff800000cf4478
rsi                                0
rbp               0xffff8000226d3630
rbx                              0x4
rdx                           0xd0ec    __ALIGN_SIZE+0xc0ec
rcx                              0x5
rax                                0
r8                              0x10
r9                0x40bc0e0c79f31f6e
r10                                0
r11               0x9a636d5cd973370a
r12                             0x32
r13                             0x14
r14               0xffff8000226d3738
r15               0xffff800000cf4448
rip               0xffffffff81968321    amdgpu_vram_mgr_reserve_range+0x101
cs                               0x8
rflags                       0x10246    __ALIGN_SIZE+0xf246
rsp               0xffff8000226d3598
ss                              0x10
amdgpu_vram_mgr_reserve_range+0x101:    addb    %al,0(%rax)

ddb{2}> ps
   PID     TID   PPID    UID  S       FLAGS  WAIT          COMMAND
 86171  333411  63955     74  3   0x1100092  bpf           pflogd
 63955  461469      1      0  3        0x80  netio         pflogd
 44926  303198      1      0  3    0x100083  ttyin         getty
 91823  366301      1      0  3    0x100098  kqread        cron
 56167  242659      1      0  3        0x80  nanoslp       apcupsd
 56167  147809      1      0  3   0x4000088  sigwait       apcupsd
 56167  171020      1      0  3   0x4000080  nanoslp       apcupsd
 47439   46683      1     99  3   0x1100090  kqread        sndiod
 51482  395614      1    110  3    0x100090  kqread        sndiod
  5163  480478  99386     95  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
 76226  349104  99386    103  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
 53394   15461  99386     95  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
  7344  376375  99386     95  3    0x100092  kqread        smtpd
 63235  309137  99386     95  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
 48160   64945  99386     95  3   0x1100092  kqread        smtpd
 99386   38247      1      0  3    0x100080  kqread        smtpd
 41420  333984      1     77  3   0x1100090  kqread        dhcpd
 17481  420686      1      0  3        0x88  kqread        sshd
 18611  160721  77165     68  3   0x1000090  kqread        isakmpd
 77165  391744      1      0  3        0x80  netio         isakmpd
 79254   85499      1      0  3    0x100080  kqread        ntpd
 10257   99703  79620     83  3    0x100092  kqread        ntpd
 79620  463938      1     83  3   0x1100092  kqread        ntpd
 91894  184130  24465     73  3   0x1100090  kqread        syslogd
 24465  244414      1      0  3    0x100082  netio         syslogd
 62105  141098      1      0  3    0x100080  kqread        resolvd
 19257  376757  61629     77  3    0x100092  kqread        dhcpleased
 76652  204506  61629     77  3    0x100092  kqread        dhcpleased
 61629  486499      1      0  3        0x80  kqread        dhcpleased
 90626  362267  95555    115  3    0x100092  kqread        slaacd
 93187   97889  95555    115  3    0x100092  kqread        slaacd
 95555  477868      1      0  3    0x100080  kqread        slaacd
 11780   22955      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         smr
 98305  221595      0      0  3     0x14200  pgzero        zerothread
 96593  391889      0      0  3     0x14200  aiodoned      aiodoned
 30232  412444      0      0  3     0x14200  syncer        update
 45741  353942      0      0  3     0x14200  cleaner       cleaner
 39902  310884      0      0  3     0x14200  reaper        reaper
 65354  212624      0      0  3     0x14200  pgdaemon      pagedaemon
 33348  495407      0      0  3     0x14200  mmctsk        sdmmc0
 74730  412089      0      0  3     0x14200  usbtsk        usbtask
 86868  405536      0      0  3     0x14200  usbatsk       usbatsk
 20735  139086      0      0  3  0x40014200  acpi0         acpi0
  6266   77841      0      0  3  0x40014200                idle3
 61610  247494      0      0  3  0x40014200                idle2
 55796  232481      0      0  7  0x40014200                idle1
 91772  351464      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         sensors
 89632  253333      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         softnet
  4662  418517      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         softnet
 22887  421630      0      0  7     0x14200                softnet
*56210  145960      0      0  7     0x14200                softnet
 45994  274986      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         systqmp
 23497  183217      0      0  3     0x14200  bored         systq
 99138  346429      0      0  3  0x40014200  bored         softclock
 83442  336559      0      0  7  0x40014200                idle0
     1  436237      0      0  3        0x82  wait          init
     0       0     -1      0  3     0x10200  scheduler     swapper

ddb{2}> mach ddbcpu 0
Stopped at      x86_ipi_db+0x12:        leave
x86_ipi_db(ffffffff822d4ff0) at x86_ipi_db+0x12
x86_ipi_handler() at x86_ipi_handler+0x80
Xresume_lapic_ipi() at Xresume_lapic_ipi+0x23
_kernel_lock() at _kernel_lock+0xa6
softintr_dispatch(0) at softintr_dispatch+0x49
Xsoftclock() at Xsoftclock+0x1f
acpicpu_idle() at acpicpu_idle+0x11f
sched_idle(ffffffff822d4ff0) at sched_idle+0x280
end trace frame: 0x0, count: 7

ddb{0}> mach ddbcpu 1
Stopped at      x86_ipi_db+0x12:        leave
x86_ipi_db(ffff800022508ff0) at x86_ipi_db+0x12
x86_ipi_handler() at x86_ipi_handler+0x80
Xresume_lapic_ipi() at Xresume_lapic_ipi+0x23
acpicpu_idle() at acpicpu_idle+0x11f
sched_idle(ffff800022508ff0) at sched_idle+0x280
end trace frame: 0x0, count: 10

ddb{1}> mach ddbcpu 2
Stopped at      amdgpu_vram_mgr_reserve_range+0x101:    addb    %al,0(%rax)
amdgpu_vram_mgr_reserve_range(ffff8000226d3738,14,9) at amdgpu_vram_mgr_reserve
esp46_input(ffff8000226d3738,ffff8000226d3744,32,2) at esp46_input+0xee
ip_deliver(ffff8000226d3738,ffff8000226d3744,32,2) at ip_deliver+0x137
ipintr() at ipintr+0x69
if_netisr(0) at if_netisr+0xea
taskq_thread(ffff80000002c080) at taskq_thread+0x100
end trace frame: 0x0, count: 9

ddb{2}> mach ddbcpu 3
Stopped at      x86_ipi_db+0x12:        leave
x86_ipi_db(ffff80002251aff0) at x86_ipi_db+0x12
x86_ipi_handler() at x86_ipi_handler+0x80
Xresume_lapic_ipi() at Xresume_lapic_ipi+0x23
__mp_acquire_count(ffff80000002c100,ffff80000002c118) at __mp_acquire_count
taskq_next_work(ffff80000002c100,ffff8000226d93d0) at taskq_next_work+0x61
taskq_thread(ffff80000002c100) at taskq_thread+0xeb
end trace frame: 0x0, count: 9

On Wed, 31 Aug 2022 22:07:45 +0200
Radek <r...@int.pl> wrote:

> Hello Alexandr, hello Alexander,
> >     does your box run also diff committed [1] by bluhm@ ~week ago?
> No, I didn't. I missed that diff. I upgraded to a new snapshot yesterday. I 
> works fine as far.
> OpenBSD 7.2-beta (GENERIC.MP) #712: Mon Aug 29 12:35:51 MDT 2022
>     dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP
> Thank you Alexander for your extensive explanation of the proper ddb commands 
> order.
> Radek
> On Mon, 29 Aug 2022 12:30:31 +0200
> Alexander Bluhm <alexander.bl...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 04:42:45AM +0200, Radek wrote:
> > > the same problem occurs on -current.
> > 
> > It is not the same problem.  Traces are different.  But I guess
> > your setup triggers some sort of race.
> > 
> > Previous crashes with 7.1 were in route and IPsec, now it is in pf.
> > Unfortunately you missed my pf fragment fix by a couple of hours.
> > Please try a newer snapshot.
> > 
> > OpenBSD 7.2-beta (GENERIC.MP) #705: Mon Aug 22 12:25:07 MDT 2022
> > Changes by:     bl...@cvs.openbsd.org   2022/08/22 14:35:39
> > 
> > I could not figure out what is wrong with 7.1-stable crashes.  The
> > register and ps output are not from the CPU where the crash happened.
> > You have to run show register and ps before switching CPU with mach
> > ddbcpu.
> > 
> > So first run show panic.  Then trace, show register, ps.
> > Finally inspect the other CPU with mach ddbcpu.
> > 
> > The number in ddb{2}> prompt shows the CPU you are currently on.
> > If "show panic" mentions more than one CPU, the one with the * is
> > the interresting one.  Usually ddb drops to that initially.  Traces
> > from other CPU help to see if something was running concurrently.
> > 
> > bluhm
> > 
> Radek


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