On 9/15/22, Alton Shaw <alt2s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Completely new user "test01", fired up fresh installation of Firefox,
> new blank tab, closed all other Mozilla's initial tabs, cleared
> cookies/history/cache/etc, browsed to my bank's login page. Attempted
> login but received the same result: We’re currently having technical
> issue Please try again later.
> I've no idea how to proceed from here.  Is there a log or console
> somewhere within OpenBSD that I should be watching/checking?

I had a similar problem with Brave browser on MacOS
attempting to login to a site.  Although different
OS and different browser, this experience may help
you in debugging your case.

I was getting similar login issue with a site.  I
don't often login to this site.  My last successful
login was possibly in May using the same OS and
same browser (but possibly an earlier version).

By turning "Shields down" for that particular site,
the login process went through successfully.  The
Brave Shields block various trackers, ads, finger-
printing, and cross-site cookies.

If FF has similar "protections", you may try
turning those off to see if that helps your


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