Thanks Raul for your suggestion.  I don't know it this is the same thing but I opened Firefox's console while running it in OpenBSD as well as Ubuntu and did not note any unique errors/warnings when I browsed to the bank's website within OpenBSD.  If anything, at this point, I'm leaning towards a time-out problem within the bank's Java script for the reasons Crystal mentioned and that I've noticed Firefox runs slower on OpenBSD than Ubuntu or Windows on the same PC.  I don't know if that's as a result of compiling Firefox for the different OS' or an underlying OS process.  To sort that out would require skills and knowledge I do not possess.

I hope you don't mind but I cc:d bugs@ just in case someone else was possibly pondering the same idea as yourself.

On 2022-09-20 06:40, Raul Miller wrote:
One other thing, which I didn't see mentioned in this thread is the
network "inspector" which is built into Chromium (and I believe
Firefox). It should identify failing http requests and the additional
detail might shed some light on this issue.

If you right click on a page and select the Inspect option from the
popup menu, the resulting debugging pane that opens up has a network
panel. Subsequent requests from that page are logged there, including
http error codes and/or a bit of other relevant failure information).

I'm leaving bugs@ off the reply here, since I'm not sure this is
relevant to openbsd, but it is something that I would reach for when
looking at this kind of problem.


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