On Tue, 27 Sep 2022 08:03:59 -0700
Mike Larkin <mlar...@nested.page> wrote:

>On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 11:02:50AM +0200, Sebastian Oswald wrote:
>> On Mon, 26 Sep 2022 17:57:23 -0700
>> Mike Larkin <mlar...@nested.page> wrote:
>> >On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 05:40:04PM +0200, Sebastian Oswald wrote:  
>> >> >Synopsis:        High interrupt load from acpi0 on Intel N5105 platform
>> >> >Category:        system
>> >> >Environment:  
>> >>   System      : OpenBSD 7.1
>> >>   Details     : OpenBSD 7.1 (GENERIC.MP) #465: Mon Apr 11
>> >> 18:03:57 MDT 2022
>> >> dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP
>> >>
>> >>   Architecture: OpenBSD.amd64
>> >>   Machine     : amd64
>> >>  
>> >> >Description:  
>> >>   On multiple (3), freshly installed systems based on Jasper Lake
>> >>   Celeron N5105 platform, CPU0 has high interrupt rate at idle.
>> >>  
>> >> >How-To-Repeat:  
>> >>   Installed 7.1 from current usb image, reboot.
>> >>
>> >> # top | head -n6
>> >> load averages:  0.99,  0.97,  0.92    a-vpn1.gassner.lan 17:38:58
>> >> 26 processes: 25 idle, 1 on processor  up  8:01
>> >> CPU0 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice, 14.3% sys,  0.5% spin, 77.0% intr,  
>> >> 8.3% idle
>> >> CPU1 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% sys,  0.0% spin,  0.0% intr, 
>> >> 99.9% idle
>> >> CPU2 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% sys,  0.0% spin,  0.0% intr, 
>> >> 99.9% idle
>> >> CPU3 states:  0.1% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% sys,  0.1% spin,  0.0% intr, 
>> >> 99.9% idle
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> This output is from a freshly rebooted system; rates for irq96/acpi are
>> >> always way above 8000:
>> >>
>> >> # vmstat -i
>> >> interrupt                       total     rate
>> >> irq0/clock                      20105      394
>> >> irq0/ipi                         8656      169
>> >> irq144/com0                        86        1
>> >> irq96/acpi0                    445306     8731
>> >> irq145/inteldrm0                 1137       22
>> >> irq100/nvme0                    33913      664
>> >> irq114/igc0:0                      74        1
>> >> irq115/igc0:1                     222        4
>> >> irq116/igc0:2                      41        0
>> >> irq117/igc0:3                      34        0
>> >> irq118/igc0                         2        0
>> >> Total                          509576     9991
>> >>  
>> >
>> >Could be stuck GPE.
>> >
>> >In acpi.c, around line 2273:
>> >
>> >        dnprintf(10, "handling GPE %.2x\n", gpe);
>> >
>> >change that to
>> >
>> >        printf("handling GPE %.2x\n", gpe);
>> >
>> >And see which GPE keeps firing. It's likely gonna make the system somewhat
>> >slower since you'll be spamming dmesg like crazy.
>> >
>> >then report back what GPE you found firing.  
>> Thank you for the quick reply.
>> With that patch applied, immediately during boot stdout gets spammed
>> with "handling GPE 6f".
>> From doing a quick search, this seems to be usually caused by a broken
>> ACPI implementation on the BIOS side?
>> I already contacted the vendor to check for a newer BIOS version.
>> In the meantime or if there isn't any patched BIOS available, is there
>> a way to find out what event '6f' correlates to and disable/ignore
>> handling of that interrupt?
>Seems to be a common problem with this machine, not only on OpenBSD. Google
>_L6F GPE AL6F and you'll see that everyone else with the issue needed to
>hack their AML or get a BIOS update. Looks like shoddy AML from AMIbios.
>If you want to disable it, you'll need to do that in the GPE handler in

Yes, I also found a bunch on this topic, usually for other cheap
Mainboards (mostly asrock). I don't have high hopes to get a
patched BIOS from the vendor of those appliances, so I started looking
into ways of 'fixing' (ignoring) that GPE on the OS side.
Apparently most OSes have some way to override the DSDT; e.g.
FreeBSD can override the AML at boot pretty easily:
Is there any such mechanism in OpenBSD?
/var/db/acpi/DSDT.2 on these systems actually contains the same code as
mentioned here:
(interestingly, FreeBSD doesn't show the same behavior; total interrupt
rate according to 'vmstat -i' is <100 at idle)

Otherwise, how could disabling that GPE in acpi.c look like?
Sorry to bother you with that, I'm merely a sysadmin with some very
rudimentary coding skills (i.e. I can roughly follow what some code
might be doing as long as it isn't too complex).


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