On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 12:28:26AM +0200, Kalabic S. wrote:
> Hello,
> I noticed a system clock issue after upgrade from 7.1 to 7.2, clock started
> to run really fast, almost at 10x speed or so. It is a virtual machine guest
> on ESXi 6.0 host, VM is used as a main Internet router for my home network
> (PPPoE over fiber). Both host and VM are configured with date/time in UTC
> timezone.
> Long story short, setting 'kern.timecounter.hardware' to 'acpitimer0' has
> fixed it.
> It did not make any difference if ntpd service was enabled or disabled.

Please provide a dmesg and the output of

$ sysctl hw


$ sysctl machdep

A dmesg from the VM before you upgraded will also help.

If you have some kind of configuration file for the ESXi host and the
VM, that will also help.  I don't know anything about ESXi, but it
will help to look at what sort of settings you are using.

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