On 2023/06/12 19:21, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 05:50:13PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > On 2023/06/12 18:34, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
> > > On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 05:08:20PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > > > Ah, the next thing I would have suggested in that cause would have
> > > > been pkg_add -vvvu run under typescript, which might have given us a
> > > > clue why it wasn't updated (the system package version, recorded in
> > > > @version lines in /var/db/pkg/*/+CONTENTS, was raised - so pkg_add -u
> > > > _should_ have updated them all).
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > possibly better late than never, there are still packages that are 
> > > failing, so
> > > here is the typescript from just now - 
> > > 
> > > https://nxdomain.no/~peter/2023-06-12_pkg_add_vvvu_output_zaida.bsdly.net.txt
> > > 
> > > All the best,
> > > Peter
> > 
> > ah interesting :)
> > 
> > in which other package/s have you seen a problem, and can you send me a
> > 'head -30 /var/db/pkg/$pkgname/+CONTENTS' for them please?
> >
> Oh, absolutely. Firefox:
> [Mon Jun 12 19:17:23] peter@zaida:~$ head -30 
> /var/db/pkg/firefox-114.0.1/+CONTENTS
> @name firefox-114.0.1
> @url 
> https://cloudflare.cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/packages/amd64/firefox-114.0.1.tgz
> @version 10

Thanks - the "@version 10" shows that this was updated.

Here are some of the known problem ports for IBT enforcement:

various mozillas
the various chromium derivatives + anything using v8

chromium itself is also a problem but there is currently a workaround in
the kernel via a process name check on "chrome"

We have an annotation we can use during ports build to mark binaries to
disable enforcement, this will get added to some ports with known
problems (but I think it maybe a bit problematic when it's a _library_
which doesn't yet work with IBT enforcement - in that case AIUI we'll 
need to annotate all binaries using that library..)

> @signer openbsd-73-pkg
> @digital-signature signify2:2023-06-11T20:27:37Z:external
> @option manual-installation
> @comment pkgpath=www/mozilla-firefox ftp=yes
> @arch amd64
> @sha LtQcl2Xn0LDK5kWxuGklXoRyDX/N+y0oXu1piOVnnhE=
> @size 601
> @conflict firefox3-*
> @conflict firefox35-*
> @conflict firefox36-*
> @conflict mozilla-firebird-*
> @conflict mozilla-firefox-*
> @pkgpath www/firefox3
> @pkgpath www/firefox35
> @pkgpath www/firefox36
> @pkgpath www/firefox4
> @pkgpath www/mozilla-firefox,-main
> @depend devel/desktop-file-utils:desktop-file-utils-*:desktop-file-utils-0.26
> @depend devel/nspr:nspr->=4.35:nspr-4.35
> @depend security/nss:nss->=3.84:nss-3.90
> @depend textproc/icu4c,-main:icu4c-*:icu4c-73.1v0
> @depend x11/gtk+3,-main:gtk+3-*:gtk+3-3.24.38
> @depend x11/gtk+4,-guic:gtk4-update-icon-cache-*:gtk4-update-icon-cache-4.10.4
> @wantlib X11-xcb.2.0
> @wantlib X11.18.0
> @wantlib Xcomposite.4.0
> thunderbird:
> [Mon Jun 12 19:17:45] peter@zaida:~$ head -30 
> /var/db/pkg/thunderbird-102.12.0/+CONTENTS
> @name thunderbird-102.12.0
> @url 
> https://cloudflare.cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/packages/amd64/thunderbird-102.12.0.tgz
> @version 10
> @signer openbsd-73-pkg
> @digital-signature signify2:2023-06-11T20:33:35Z:external
> @option manual-installation
> @comment pkgpath=mail/mozilla-thunderbird ftp=yes
> @arch amd64
> @sha uGHKT1MHnjf7Tl3oCctE0gRbeeA8UBZ1gWTuc0Fx6L8=
> @size 748
> @conflict mozilla-thunderbird-<74.0
> @conflict lightning-<74.0v0
> @pkgpath mail/mozilla-thunderbird,-main
> @pkgpath mail/mozilla-thunderbird,-lightning
> @depend devel/desktop-file-utils:desktop-file-utils-*:desktop-file-utils-0.26
> @depend devel/libffi:libffi-*:libffi-3.4.4
> @depend devel/nspr:nspr->=4.35:nspr-4.35
> @depend security/nss:nss->=3.84:nss-3.90
> @depend security/rnp:rnp-*:rnp-0.16.3
> @depend x11/gtk+3,-main:gtk+3-*:gtk+3-3.24.38
> @depend x11/gtk+4,-guic:gtk4-update-icon-cache-*:gtk4-update-icon-cache-4.10.4
> @wantlib X11-xcb.2.0
> @wantlib X11.18.0
> @wantlib Xcomposite.4.0
> @wantlib Xcursor.5.0
> @wantlib Xdamage.4.0
> @wantlib Xext.13.0
> @wantlib Xfixes.6.1
> @wantlib Xi.12.2
> There may well be others, but those are ones I use rather frequently. 
> - Peter
> -- 
> Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
> https://bsdly.blogspot.com/ https://www.bsdly.net/ https://www.nuug.no/
> "Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
> delilah spamd[29949]: disconnected after 42673 seconds.

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