Ricky Cintron <boro...@disroot.org> writes:

> On 2023-08-01 12:32, Dave Voutila wrote:
>> Ricky Cintron <boro...@disroot.org> writes:
>>>> Synopsis:  Resuming my suspended system requires two attempts
>>>> Category:  system amd64
>>>> Environment:
>>>     System      : OpenBSD 7.3
>>>     Details     : OpenBSD 7.3-current (GENERIC.MP) #1320: Fri Jul
>>>     28 11:14:52 MDT 2023
>>> dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP
>>>     Architecture: OpenBSD.amd64
>>>     Machine     : amd64
>>>> Description:
>>>     I installed OpenBSD-current on this system for the first time on
>>>     May 6 2023.
>>>     I've upgraded every Sunday since that date without issue. However,
>>>     after the
>>>     upgrade on July 16, resuming the system stopped working
>>>     normally. Now when I
>>>     try to resume by pressing the power button, the computer attempts
>>>     to resume
>>>     (power light turns on, the monitor wakes up), but after a few
>>>     seconds it
>>>     suspends itself again. I then need to press the power button one
>>>     more time,
>>>     which allows it to resume successfully.
>> Did this suspend/resume cycle work with upgrades between June 29th
>> and
>> July 16th? I made changes to some acpi wakeup code on June 29. Did you
>> run snapshots between then and July 16th that suspended and resumed
>> without issue?
> Between June 29 and July 16, I upgraded on July 2 and July 9, and
> suspend/resume worked normally after those upgrades.

Then it's unlikely my changes caused the issue. There was a change to
XHCI that broke suspend/resume on some machines and that change was
reverted July 20. Does it still fail to resume on the latest snapshots?
If not (i.e. if it works again) then it was most likely related.

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