Another trouble I found, maybe it's my conf again(?) is that I am unable to
use a section to call out to define common options for x509extensions.
Example, this does not work:

[ ca ] default_ca = Domain-CA [ Domain-CA ] ... x509_extensions =

[ common_options ] crlDistributionPoints =
URI:http://my_machine_fqdn/crl/root.crl  nsComment = "Generated Certificate
for Company" subjectKeyIdentifier = hash authorityKeyIdentifier =
Please work this into an example explaining in detail what you expect to
see and what you do see and what commands you run.

Sorry the formating has gone south

So, create a config.cnf file for a CA like this (I don't include all settings, there are many examples on the web)

[ ca ] default_ca = Domain-CA [ Domain-CA ] ... x509_extensions = common_options

[ common_options ] crlDistributionPoints = URI:http://my_machine_FQDN/crl/root.crl nsComment = "OpenSSL Generated Certificate for Company" subjectKeyIdentifier=hash authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid,issuer

[ v3_ca ] basicConstraints = CA:true

Create your CA, the root certificate, its key, its CRL ...

Create a CSR to ask this CA to generate a certificate for you. In my case I use this ROOT-CA to only generate a certificate for a Subordinate-CA that handles all the certificates generation

# openssl ca -config config.cnf -extensions v3_ca -days 375 -notext -md sha256 
-keyfile /etc/ROOT-CA/private/ca.key -in SUBORDINATE-CA.csr -out 

Once generated look into this new certificate, what you can see at this point is that there is no x509 extensions in there.

# openssl x509 -in SUBORDINATE-CA.crt -text -noout

If you put the crlDistributionPoints in the [ v3_ca ] segment then it will be part of the certificate.

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