> The project would be better off if you weren't so abrasive to folks
> that honestly want to help things and have real user feedback. I get
> that you may not care, but it is sad to witness.

No, really, you are the one took it abrasive.

I replied with my THOUGHTFUL perpective on why the manual pages don't need
to have this information.  I made an technical argument about minimalism.

But you called it a hill!  You made a personal judgement.  You were the one
to use the word "foolish".

You were the one who made it personal.

So get lost, immediately.  Get the hell out of here.  We don't need
crybabys like you around here who convert TECHNICAL discussions into
that kind of garbage.


Re-including Christoff's whole email to show it for what it is:


> Christoff Humphries christoff@deadbeef.monster wrote:
> > > Marc Espie marc.espie.open...@gmail.com wrote:
> > > 
> > > > On Mon, Oct 09, 2023 at 01:58:27PM +1100, Jonathan Gray wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > > So tldr: `man backtrace` should name the required linker flag 
> > > > > > (-lexecinfo)
> > > > > 
> > > > > from mdoc(7):
> > > > > 
> > > > > .\" .Sh LIBRARY
> > > > > .\" For sections 2, 3, and 9 only.
> > > > > .\" Not used in OpenBSD.
> > > > > 
> > > > > note about it not being used added by jmc@ in 2010
> > > > > 
> > > > > Only use in base is in libelf.
> > > > 
> > > > Independently of using LIBRARY or not, functions not in libc
> > > > should probably mention the library somewhere in the manpage ?
> > > 
> > > It is really surprisingly that programming society managed to get by for
> > > decades and build an incredible number of things without these details.
> > > Wow.
> > > 
> > > What really happened is the people (or person) who needs to find what
> > > they needs to find, always finds it really damn quickly because it is
> > > already domain-knowledge in the area they are working, they edit a
> > > Maefile, and carry on. Once it is encoded into the Makefile ,note it is
> > > usually the same value on every operating system and if it isn't we all
> > > know make(1) doesn't read manual pages. That Makefile gets copied
> > > around to other systems. People pass on the domain knowledge
> > > organically.
> > > 
> > > There's really no drama here.
> > > 
> > > However, adding 3 lines (including the blank) to a ton of manuals, that
> > > is drama. Because obviously there'll need to be a Task Force to go on
> > > this Mission and splatter the shit everywhere.
> > > 
> > > This is not like lines describing #include files, because those are
> > > different for every function in every manual page.
> > > 
> > > So I personally think it is a fools errand.
> > 
> > So because it has always been done that way and people got by then it
> > is not worth it to document development manual pages for developers
> > with pertinent information they would need for development? That seems
> > like a foolish argument and logic, and perhaps the worst anti-pattern.
> > 
> > But this isn't my circus. Seems an odd hill to stand on.
> Then why are you standing on that hill?

You win, Theo. You win. Enjoy your winning. It's sad, man. 

It's true. No one has to use OpenBSD, as you're well at helping make
happen when attacking people's valid arguments on your mailing
lists. We're all not worthy of having assertions that disagree with
you? It's sad. A community exists for every software project and it is
sad when you tend to opt for attacking folks with sarcasm and talking
down to folks.

You have a choice of how to respond and it seems you choose poorly
often, giving an impression that folks are not worthy to even have an
opinion and push people away. Perhaps you do not care, I don't know,
but damn it is abrasive. I thought you lightened up over the years. I
was wrong. Like many others, just going to leave the mailing lists and
use OpenBSD selfishly than participate in any capacity.

Living in a silo seems to be the preferred method here, I thought the
Unix world has progressed past that, especially in OpenBSD.

The project would be better off if you weren't so abrasive to folks
that honestly want to help things and have real user feedback. I get
that you may not care, but it is sad to witness. 

I was excited to dive in and use and contribute to the project, and
you are so good at destroying any energy to that end. And I've heard
it from others all the same. It's sad because it is completely 
preventable if you'd just consider your replies aren't constructive
but push people away. 

Anyway, you're the boss here. I can't say anything about it. Enjoy
the silo life, it seems to be working for you. Just sucks for anyone
that you don't agree with. 

I'm done. Won't get another cent or advocacy from me again. But I'm
sure you could not care about that either. In the end you won. Enjoy.

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