
I hit a 'panic: malloc: out of space in kmem_map' on a new system when activating an interface with ifconfig up. This issue existed in 7.3 as well as now in 7.4.

I can duplicate this panic by typing ifconfig up after 6-7 interfaces are already up.

Example: When I 'ifconfig ixl3 up' I get a panic, but only after the
existing interfaces: ix0, ix1, mcx0, mcx1, ixl0, ixl1, ixl2
are already up.

Suspicion: I believe this may have something to do with the memory assigned to queues for network interfaces. I can prevent this situation by booting bsd.sp, or reducing the core count in the BIOS from 16 down to 8. In both cases, the only suspicious change I see in the dmesg is the reduction of queues on the interface:

ix0 at pci10 dev 0 function 0 "Intel X550T" ... 16 queues ...
(16 cores)
ix0 at pci10 dev 0 function 0 "Intel X550T" ... 8 queues ...
(8 cores)

And with less queues, the system no longer panics on ifconfig ixl3 up. Though this may be unrelated.

Full panic details here:

Please let me know what I can do to further help, or if anyone has any thoughts.

Thank you!


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