We do detect rxvt-unicode already so it would be fairly simple to add a
feature flag to disable sending these sequences to it (add to
tty-features.c and apply for rxvt-unicode in tty-keys.c). This might be a
good idea since they have not fixed it.

On Sun, 10 Dec 2023, 07:34 Nicholas Marriott, <nicholas.marri...@gmail.com>

> Hi
> IIRC the problem is not that rxvt-unicode sends BEL instead of ST, it is
> that it truncates it to one byte, so it only sends \033 rather than \033\\
> for ST.
> Always sending BEL should work because tmux will accept either (although,
> as you say, convention is to copy the terminator used on the received
> sequence).
> On Sat, 9 Dec 2023, 21:57 Stefan Hagen, <s...@openbsd.org> wrote:
>> Tim Chase wrote (2023-12-09 21:47 CET):
>> > When connecting from an rxvt terminal on my FreeBSD daily-driver
>> > to my OpenBSD 7.4 server, tmux sends the CSI requesting color
>> > information.  But when rxvt replies, tmux ignores the reply and the
>> > resulting answer dumps answer-back garbage into my session as if I
>> > typed it.  At a prompt, it's largely just an annoyance since I can
>> > control+u to clear it; but if if the session is pointed at some TUI
>> > program, the answer-back garbage can really mess with the session.
>> >
>> > If I'm within rxvt on FreeBSD (also v9.31), and I create a new
>> > session or attempt to attach to an existing one (regardless of what
>> > $TERM was set when the tmux session was started), I get the answer-back
>> > garbage.  If I use xterm or suckless `st`, or the rxvt from OpenBSD's
>> > packages used locally it doesn't happen.
>> >
>> > The full conversation thread is here[1] and according to /u/sdk-dev
>> > who was able to reproduce and narrow down the changes, they say
>> > that it broke in this change[2] where these two lines[3] were moved
>> > outside of some checks.
>> >
>> > As best we can tell, tmux is failing to consume the answer-back it
>> > requests.
>> Hi,
>> I've updated my answer on reddit quite a few times, so you probably
>> haven't seen the latest version.
>> The bug here is with rxvt-unicode. The xterm specification describes OSC
>> requests to be either terminated with the ST \033\\ or with the BEL \007
>> terminator.
>> The response from the terminal should then match the terminator of the
>> request. rxvt-unicode is failing to do so and always terminates with
>> BEL.
>> Tmux is doing this correctly. It sends ST and expects ST.
>> The specification describes ST as the newer and preferred terminator,
>> which was probably the reason why it was decided in OpenBSD to switch
>> rxvt-unicode to ST instead of switching tmux to BEL.
>> I don't know if rxvt is still developed somewhere, so FreeBSD could
>> adopt our patch.
>> https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/ports/x11/rxvt-unicode/patches/patch-src_command_C?rev=1.6&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup
>> Do we want some special handling for rxvt-unicode in tmux?
>> I'm not knowledable enough in this area to have an opinion.
>> Best regards,
>> Stefan aka /u/sdk-dev
>> > Thanks,
>> > -tkc
>> >
>> > [1]
>> >
>> https://www.reddit.com/r/openbsd/comments/18cxwdy/tmux_causing_ansi_colorresponse_garbage_on/
>> >
>> > [2]
>> > /* $OpenBSD: tty.c,v 1.434 2023/09/02 20:03:10 nicm Exp $ */
>> >
>> https://github.com/openbsd/src/commit/903d1285474e6a1a8bfdc71e5c97f8037e5d801a#diff-f63cc050113818ea4ebd794e00daec9960f613b4dbd2039bed3d532c7ea8096dR373
>> >
>> > [3]
>> > https://github.com/openbsd/src/blob/master/usr.bin/tmux/tty.c#L373-L374

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