Sylvain Saboua <> wrote:

> Le 2024-03-02 21:40, Todd C. Miller a écrit :
> > On Sat, 02 Mar 2024 21:26:23 +0100, Sylvain Saboua wrote:
> > 
> >> This works to retrieve and install/update packages as
> >> expected, but I don't get why it should be necessary
> >> since I am not running a release kernel. Or am I ?
> >> $uname -a
> >> OpenBSD 7.5 GENERIC.MP#44 amd64
> > Because there is no -current or -beta suffix in the kernel version
> > pkg_add doesn't know to use the snapshots directory.  That is why
> > you need to use -Dsnap.  This happens at the end of every release
> > cycle before the final packages are built.
> >  - todd
> Really ? I don't remember having to do this when using
> the -current back then.

Maybe read the reply.
> If so then shouldn't it feature in the second example
> given in the manpage ?
> At least, I don't know how but the sysupgrade and pkg_add
> eventually worked.

No. They have both behaved strangely at release time, and problems like
this will likely persist because we are terrified of introducing a logic
which sneaks into a release, such that it accidentally downloads from
the wrong place for everyone for 6 months.

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