On 2024/08/29 19:03, Nick Holland wrote:
> On 8/29/24 16:11, Anon Loli wrote:
> > Okay, I have an vague idea about what happens, let me 1st add this to the 
> > bug
> > report:
> > 
> > So I launched a half a dozen tmux windows and they had archivemedia script
> > running and while I started all the windows, I went on to edit the script 
> > and
> > add a few lines,
> so...you were editing a running script?  I do believe that falls under the
> category, "undefined behavior".  Yeah, I kinda expect things to go bad
> when you do that.

That falls under the "you are damn lucky if things _don't_ break".
Edit a copy and move it into place.

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