> i recently noticed, while dealing with a macro virus going around my
> office (too new for latest av software), that word 97's 'macro virus
> protection' feature doesn't work when printing documents directly from
> explorer.
This is very old news. There are several other instances in which
Word will not warn you of the presence of macros when opening files.
I'd suggest that anyone concerned about these issues should look into
Jimmy Kuo's excellent white paper on free macro antivirus techniques.
I do not have the URL handy, but it should be easily found in the
antivirus part of www.nai.com.
> [skip rant on stupid macro security model]
Good, because there is no macro security model in Word 97... 8-)
Whilst on this, don't be fooled by the talk of signed macros in
Office 2000. In their attempt to "assist" users, the people who
designed the signing procedure decided that if you had a signed
project and it changed, you would want the changes automatically
signed. Thus, signed but infected VBA code will eventually be doing
the rounds...
Judicious use of the macro security settings should all but eliminate
this problem, but whether macro developers will actually do the right
thing here is a wide open question at the moment.
Nick FitzGerald