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Digest Name:  Daily Security Bulletins Digest
    Created:  Thu Aug 12 15:00:02 METDST 1999

Table of Contents:

Document ID      Title
---------------  -----------
HPSBUX9906-098   Security Vulnerability in VVOS NES

The documents are listed below.

Document ID:  HPSBUX9906-098
Date Loaded:  19990811
      Title:  Security Vulnerability in VVOS NES

Last Revised: 11 August 1999

The information in the following Security Bulletin should be acted upon
as soon as possible.  Hewlett-Packard Company will not be liable for any
consequences to any customer resulting from customer's failure to fully
implement instructions in this Security Bulletin as soon as possible.

PROBLEM:  Netscape Enterprise Server cannot correctly process some URL's.

PLATFORM: HP9000 Series 700/800 running:
             HP-UX 10.24 (VVOS) with VirtualVault A.02.00
             HP-UX 10.24 (VVOS) with VirtualVault A.03.00
             HP-UX 10.24 (VVOS) with VirtualVault A.03.01
             HP-UX 10.24 (VVOS) with VirtualVault A.03.50

DAMAGE:   Web Server cannot correctly process some URLs.

SOLUTION: Apply the appropriate patches to correct the problem:
        Both HP-UX 10.24 with VirtualVault A.02.00 US/Canada, and
             HP-UX 10.24 with VirtualVault A.02.00 International:
                 PHCO_18615 libsecalarm cumulative patch
                            Please note this patch has dependencies.
----->>          PHSS_19389 VirtualVault:2.00:NES:NSAPI

        Both HP-UX 10.24 with VirtualVault A.03.00 US/Canada, and
             HP-UX 10.24 with VirtualVault A.03.00 International:
                 PHCO_18615 libsecalarm cumulative patch
                            Please note this patch has dependencies.
----->>          PHSS_19388 VirtualVault:3.00:NES:NSAPI

        Both HP-UX 10.24 with VirtualVault A.03.01 US/Canada, and
             HP-UX 10.24 with VirtualVault A.03.01 International:
                 PHCO_18615 libsecalarm cumulative patch
                            Please note this patch has dependencies.
----->>          PHSS_19387 VirtualVault:3.01:NES:NSAPI

        Both HP-UX 10.24 with VirtualVault A.03.50 US/Canada, and
             HP-UX 10.24 with VirtualVault A.03.50 International
                 PHCO_18615 libsecalarm cumulative patch
                            Please note this patch has dependencies.
----->>          PHSS_19376 VirtualVault:3.50:NES:NSAPI

AVAILABILITY: All patches are available now.
CHANGE SUMMARY: Defects in previous patches discovered.
   A. Background
      A recent bugtraq posting contained some inaccurate information
      regarding Hewlett-Packard Company's VirtualVault Operating System.
      This problem is not TGA nor TGP related; further, VVOS does not
      have a B1 or B2 level of certification.

      Under certain conditions, Netscape Enterprise Server (NES)
      fails to properly process web requests.  This activity has
      been observed in the NES bundled with Praesidium VirtualVault
      releases A.02.00, A.03.00, A.03.01 and A.03.50.

   B. Fixing the problem
      This problem can be completely eliminated by applying the
      recommended patches mentioned above.  It can be resolved
      temporarily by commenting out or removing the "vault-auth-log"
      AddLog line from the Netscape Enterprise Server's obj.conf file.

      Upon patching the system, automatic reboot is performed.  The
      affected filesets are: VaultNES.NES-VAULT VaultTS.INES-COMMON.

   C. To subscribe to automatically receive future NEW HP Security
      Bulletins or access the HP Electronic Support Center, use your
      browser to get to our ESC web page at:

      http://us-support.external.hp.com   (for non-European locations),
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      Once you are in the Main Menu:
      To -subscribe- to future HP Security Bulletins,
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      To -retrieve patches-, click on "Individual Patches" and select
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      To -browse the HP Security Bulletin Archive-,  select the link at
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      To -view the Security Patch Matrix-, (updated daily) which
       categorizes security patches by platform/OS release, and by
       bulletin topic, go to the archive (above) and follow the links.

      The security patch matrix is also available via anonymous ftp:
      us-ffs.external.hp.com   or  ~ftp/export/patches/hp-ux_patch_matrix

   D. To report new security vulnerabilities, send email to


      Please encrypt any exploit information using the security-alert
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     Permission is granted for copying and circulating this Bulletin to
     Hewlett-Packard (HP) customers (or the Internet community) for the
     purpose of alerting them to problems, if and only if, the Bulletin
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-----End of Document ID:  HPSBUX9906-098--------------------------------------

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