On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, x-empt [ lvhc / lou ] wrote:

> - -- B A C K G R O U N D --
> While testing IIS security, I was able to locate an old flaw which is
> still present in  many server services on  Win32.  The  problem deals
> with a compatibility issue with the old  Win16/DOS file naming system
> known as the 8.3 naming system.
> Files using the 8.3 naming system consist of 8 characters followed by
> a period (.) and a 3 character extension, thus giving a name of "8.3"

This particular issue should be avoidable by using NTFS and disabling the
backwards-compatible 8.3 naming.

> - -- W H A T   T O   D O --
> Administrators:
>  You have 5 choices:
>  1) Run apache.  A proven web server.  :)

That does not magically avoid all problems with filename variance.  The
problems are not due to the products, but due to the very un-Unixlike
concept of having lots of magic going on in the various filename
to file routines.

>  2) Wait for vendor patches
>  3) Dial 911 and tell them somebody is breaking into your site
>  4) unplug your computer and lock it in a sealed room
>  5) Don't run windows as long as it maintains 8.3 support

You can get rid of the 8.3 support, but that still doesn't fix your
problems.  There are a significant number of other ways to get filename
variance.  Obviously, the root of the issue is that one file is accessible
via multiple names in non-obvious ways.

> Developers:
>  Write two functions: getLongName() and getShortName()
>   ... you figure the rest out, its not too hard.  API works...

I would not say that "its not too hard".  There are various things you can
do to try to form a canonical name that should get rid of the vast
majority of the issues, but that doesn't mean you have them all.  There
are so many kludges to do magic things with filenames and they are often
so obscure (either poorly or completely undocumented) it is difficult to
be certain you address them all.

The fact that Microsoft, who should have the most information and
knowledge about this, has been bitten several times and doesn't
(as far as I can see...) have any documentation identifying all of
the ways in which you can get filename variance doesn't bode well
for a nice easy solution.

Apache does have code that tries to convert all filenames to a
canonical format to avoid such problems, but who knows if there
are things it doesn't cover.


> "623 percent better Web server price/performance" isn't Linux/Apache
> Free?

The software is free, using it isn't.  I personally think that a
lot of free software has some very compelling cost of ownership
advantages, but this isn't the place...

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