On Nov 2,  1:43pm, Robert Watson wrote:
> Subject: Re: [Re: Amanda multiple vendor local root compromises]
> It should also be pointed out that the symlink bug described in the
> original post seems to be a bug in Amanda that is not platform-specific --
> I haven't seen any further comment on that, only on the package
> installation.  Has anyone verified that the amanda.debug file is created
> in such a way that a) it has a predictable name, and b) it follows
> symlinks?  Really, it should probably go in /var/run (or equiv directory
> on whatever OS), should be created using O_CREAT and O_EXCL, or should be
> created using mktemp.  Probably the first option is best.

I'll make a comment on that.  On our systems all the amanda temp files are now
created in a directory /tmp/amanda, which has access only to the amanda user
(i.e. 700).  This is for amanda ver 2.4.1p1, and was compiled locally
(unfortunately, not by me, so I don't know if there were any special options).
 I know that previous version did create such files in /tmp.


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