
This message attaches a workeable WFTPD 2.34 exploit for WIN NT 4.0
[SP3-4], Windows 95, Windows 98.

In order to make it work, the attacker must have access (eg: the exploit
works with anonymous access but it's easy to change, look at the source

An interesting point is that if you don't have an account on the server
and also tries to run the exploit the server stops answering requests
makes a GPF when the administrator of the server exits WFTPD.

==================[ CORE Seguridad de la Informacion S.A. ]=========
Alberto Soliņo                        email   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pte. Juan D. Peron 315 Piso 4 UF 17             www.core-sdi.com
1038 Capital Federal
Buenos Aires, Argentina.              Tel/Fax : +(54.11)
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