On Sat, 20 Nov 1999 00:43:26 -0000, Mnemonix wrote:

>This is exploitable. On both Windows NT4 and Windows 2000 the payload can be

It is not. As seen from the posts by USSR labs and Solar Eclipse as well as from
my analysis on the vuln-dev list we can safely say that the DLL is not exploitable
under the current conditions in Wordpad. If it was used by other programs, it could
be that we can possibly exploit it. 
In our scenario, though, all areas we can set EIP to are non-paged or garbage for
our purposes. Even a partial frame buffer overwrite will not lead us anywhere useful,
so we can safely assume this one is 'dead' ;)
For details see vuln-dev archive :)

>Windows 2000 preserves the case. Both OS's have the return address
>over-written so all you have do do is find an instruction in the memory
>space that does a JMP ESP - there are quite a few floating around the place.

Not one lies within a range we can point EIP to.

>For anyone interested in NT buffer overruns some useful docs on the subject
>can be found at http://www.infowar.co.uk/mnemonix

Thomas Dullien
Win32 Security Consultant ;-> Hire me !

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