> Georgi Guninski security advisory #33, 2001
> If you are not patched the following may work (not discovered by me):
> http://TARGETIIS/scripts/test.pl+.htr
> This does not work for some types of .ASP if they contain certain characters.

This works also at my IIS4 - global.asa exposed fully,
.asp files exposed until the first entry of "<%" (begin of script block)
One of possible workarounds - use MS Script Encoder.

> ----------------------------------------
> http://TARGETIIS/scripts/test.pl%3F+.htr
> ----------------------------------------

This doesn't work on my IIS4 - it closes connection without any response.

Leonid Medvedev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]], MCP
Unofficial Russian IELTS Page [http://www2.ask-design.com/ielts]

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