
While its true if a user got a hold of your 
password they could send you mp3 files - or at 
least files with an mp3 extension.   The satellite 
will only name files with a .temp or .mp3 
extension.  Even if the filename is really an 
executable it will have a .mp3 extension.  To 
actually run the file you would then need to 
purposely rename the file with a .exe extension.

Hope this helps - if you have any other security 
related questions I will be glad to answer.

> 2. Problem?
> While this problem will not stop the world or 
allow the script kiddies
> to ./wu their way through us, its a problem none 
the less.  Versions of
> Audiogalaxy Satelite software pre .601W for 
windows held the username and
> password for a users account in a plain text file 
within the audiogalaxy
> directory on their system.  While if an intruder 
gained this information only
> the list of songs in the download que (which is 
stored on the server) would
> be compromised, this could have other effects.
> 2a.  theory one 1.  Gain the username and 
password for a users acct. Intruder
> modies the download que so that when the 
user comes online they will download
> a "mp3" from the intruders system.   The mp3 is 
actually something else. ie.
> virus or back orifice or similar program.  If the 
user ran the mp3 directly
> then of course the infection would start. --lets 
examine this a little
> further. Evil intruder steals password and 
username. Edits download que.
> User runs fake mp3 which is back orifice. User 
gets keylogged.  User is
> goverment employee who telnets  (telnet bad) 
into secure goverment system.
> Goverment system not secure anymore.  Web 
site gets defaced. Oh no the
> kiddies can use this.
> 2b. theory two. 2.  Many users use a common 
password and this is the point
> that i brought to Audiogalaxy.  While its not their 
problem if a user does
> this, why not help out.  If the user had their 
Audiogalaxy username and
> password compromised then its possible other 
things get compromised.
> 3. Solution
> Upgrade to the newest version which has been 
out for sometime, and in general
> use different passwords.
> Note- I have not checked the Linux version for 
any problems, if someone gets
> to it before I do pleae let me know.

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