hola friends,

while i was participating on the openhack contest
i found a couple of serious security-holes within ibm s
so called "netcommerce" thing which seems to be a mixture of
websphere, net.data, servlets, jsp s and db2?


class: input validation error
remote: yes
local: yes
vulnerable: ibm netcommerce 3???


besides well known websphere-bugs (file thru disclosure and default-admin
passwords) ...

the most dangerous bugs result from NON-existing input validation within
netcommerc s net.data "macros".

by crafting malformed http-requests it is possible to extract "any"

combining this method with other default-"netcommerce" funcionality
(PasswordReset for example) it is possible to take hold of so called
"store-" or "site-manager"-accounts.

once youre an nc-administrator you are allowed to use all the admin-tools.

at this point youre able to up- and download files, issue op-system-commands
or do any query with the very very high-privileged DB2INST1 account.

this can lead to a possible take-over of the whole system....

many "default-macros" are vulnerable to this (classic:-) sort of attack.


a few examples:

1) "HowTo find Administrator Accounts"

2) "Passwords(crypted)"

3) "Password-Reminders"

of course "orderdspc.d2w" is not the only vulnerable macro .. it s just an
example. casting between different data-types is possible (read the db2-man

also it should(not proofed) be possible to query other databases.

vendor status:

this mail was sent to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" last week.
(ers = emergency response team)

nice day,



<FLAME> due to the very unprofessional(or should i say unfair) system-setup
of the openhack-servers i was not able to proof the whole concept </FLAME>

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