Yo All!

ftp.udel.edu lists ntp 4.0.99k as the newest available.

Any patches yet?

Have the maintainers been notified?

Gary E. Miller Rellim 20340 Empire Ave, Suite E-3, Bend, OR 97701
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel:+1(541)382-8588 Fax: +1(541)382-8676

On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Przemyslaw Frasunek wrote:

> /*
>  * Network Time Protocol Daemon (ntpd) shipped with many systems is vuln
> erable
>  * to remote buffer overflow attack. It occurs when building response fo
> r
>  * a query with large readvar argument. In almost all cases, ntpd is run
> ning
>  * with superuser privileges, allowing to gain REMOTE ROOT ACCESS to tim
> eserver.

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