Not exactly sure what the problem is because it will 
handle the same request from a program that does 
the same thing.
"Time is a factor" so pay attention man ;P
Connect to the server using telnet or somthing and 
type in the following:

GET / HTTP/1.1

Where A x 260, hit return, wait 3 seconds, hit return 
again and you should see it crash.I tested this locally 
and remotely on both Windows98 and NT-4
Oh yeah, no error messages are given on NT for 
some reason, the program simply terminates, yes, 
no more connections, got that? the following was 
displayed on Windows 98.If you do not give it the 
time, it doesn't work, got that okay?
So dont come saying "I threw so many characters at 
it and nothing happened" do as i say, and it will work.

SAVANT caused an invalid page fault in
module KERNEL32.DLL at 015f:bff87eb5.
EAX=c00300f0 CS=015f EIP=bff87eb5 
EBX=011bff88 SS=0167 ESP=010bffec 
ECX=10020c01 DS=0167 ESI=8163c414 FS=41af
EDX=bff76859 ES=0167 EDI=010c0238 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
53 56 57 8b 30 83 7d 10 01 8b 4e 38 89 4d f8 75 
Stack dump:

Sending the same request using a perl script didn't 
seem to affect the server at all, which is why i cant 
tell whats wrong.But who cares? *shrug*


BTW Moderator, because you have been told that 
maybe the Lansuite DoS against version 1.0.34 
doesn't work can i tell you that it is still effective 
against the latest 1.0.35 and is effective locally aswell 
as remotely on both windows 98 and NT-4 as i have 
tested.I have drwatson logs to prove it.
The trick in the problem is the forward slash before 
HTTP/1.1 like %2fHTTP/1.1 - Get me sir?
So update your database please, people depend on 
it, even the developers!!!

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