This is a forwarded message
From: Bat Registrierservice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, April 21, 2001, 5:34:36 PM
Subject: The Bat! - Fehlermeldung [BUG-F8FEFAE1]

===8<==============Original message text===============
Nachricht vom : Freitag, 20. April 2001 <11:21>
zum Thema     : The Bat! - Fehlermeldung [BUG-F8FEFAE1]
Bearbeitung: dhu  <21.04.2001 - 17:32>  Dieter Hummel
Status: done5e

Antwort von Ritlabs:

  This is not a bug of The Bat! but a bug of MTA (POP3/SMTP servers)
  that allow such odd messages. The proposed "bad-message"
  ( is not
  RFC-compliant. Any RFC-compliant POP3/SMTP server must either bounce
  or cure it. I've used a proposed example to send the message to
  myself, on a FreeBSD server with Sendmail 8.11.1 I've typed
  cat badmess | sendmail -U [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  This message has been received by a KSI-Linux server with sendmail
  8.8.8 and the POP3 to retrieve was Marc Crispin's daemon v2000.69.

  The message has been received with orphaned LF's replaced to CR-LF
  pairs. Some MTA software in transit has cured the message.

  The Bat! could bounce such odd messages but it doesn't do it
  intentionally because there are some odd mailserver that use single
  LF as a line endings. These servers, however, will quote the dot in
  the end of line and the proposed "bad-message" won't work with them

 ...und eine weitere kurz hinterher:

  I however made The Bat! to handle CR and LF that strictly to avoid
  this vulnerability.

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Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Integrated Services GbR
Offizielle deutsche Repräsentanz von RITLabs SRL, Moldava
Autorisierter The Bat! Registrier- und Supportservice


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                 The Bat! v1.52 Beta/9 mod [2E7F60DA]

++ Outgoing mail with possible attachment is found to be virus free ++
   Checked by AVP, using database update from 04-18-2001

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