Some follow up comments. All messages to the list now have a List-Id
header. This is a recently proposed RFC to standardize mailing list
identification. Please make use of it for filtering messages.


Subject line prefixing with the list name is not a per user option,
its a list wide option that we won't enable. We are looking at how
difficult it would to implement as a per-user option.

Once again, to unsubscribe from lists user the address 
<list>[EMAIL PROTECTED] To subscribe to list digests use
the address <list>[EMAIL PROTECTED] You need to
replace <list> with the list name, e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do not attempt to email the exact address <list>[EMAIL PROTECTED]

A few other comments people had is the lack of a Sender header, that
to To message header is not forced to the list address, and the lack
of a non-MIME digest. I am looking into all these so no need to mail
me about them (unless you want to offer a solution ;-) ).

Elias Levy
Si vis pacem, para bellum

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