John Hanks wrote:
> Does anyone know if a third version is in the works or if I should keep
> trying to make the second version work on my machines?

MS just released version 3 of that Security Bulletin, with a 3rd "official"
version of the patch for W2K.  Again, the URL for the bulletin is here:

Under "technical description", it includes this new paragraph:

On June 12, 2001 Microsoft discovered that the updated Exchange 2000 patch
contained outdated files. We have corrected the error and provided an updated
version of this patch for Exchange 2000. We recommend that all customers who
have downloaded the Exchange 2000 patch prior to June 12, 2001 install the
updated version. 

At this point, I'd be hesitant to install -any- patch on this issue, until
some brave souls have verified that the third time really is a charm.  Looks
like they rushed it a bit too much this time, unfortunately.

I would personally advise any exchange admin to subscribe to the MS Security
Bulletin mailing list, in order to get this type of info as quickly as possible.
Information is here:

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