
Application: Pegasus mail (http://www.pmail.com)
Version:     4.01 and possibly previous
Bug:         Bad management of "From:" and "To:" mail headers
Risk:        DoS and in some cases the client cannot be opened until
             the user have not cancelled the saved mail in the mail
Author:      Auriemma Luigi (e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED])


1) Introduction
2) Bug
3) The Code
4) Fix
5) Philosophy


1) Introduction

Pegasus mail seems to be a diffused free mail client for Windows (32
and 16 bit) and Dos.
The version I have tested is the latest in this moment: 4.01 for
The OS used for do the test is Win98SE (so something can differ a bit
from who have NT/2K/XP or others)
Naturally I have contacted all the supports mail addresses specified
in the program but I have received no answers, so there is not
official fix available.
However this is not a big problem because an advisory is also useful
for keep the attention of the vulnerable program's author.


2) Bug

The bug is in the management of the headers "From:" and "To:" that
are in the mail received.
Pegasus mail can manage only max 259 chars in these two fields, so
the problem is when an attacker send some charaters more.

For example, the following is a proof-of-concept mail:

From: myname <250'A's>
To: test@localhost
Subject: Good crash

You cannot see this text 8-)


(the 260 chars are counted after "From:" so we have " myname <" +
250 'A's + ">" = 260, and with the "To:" header is identical)

Now there are some different results about the crash of the program,
and this seems caused by our activated program options.
It can crash when we want to open the mail, or it will crash just
when we want to check our mails and the great problem is when we
reopen the client because the mail is cached in the user mail
folder so the problem continue until he don't delete this bad

Another problem is that the malformed mail seems to be
undeleteable from the program, because when you want to delete it
from the trash Pegasus crash again.
So after moved the mail in the trash, restart the program so it
delete the mail automatically without crash.

Now I want to show what are the errors (yes we get 2 errors, one
after the other), and the different situation about the field we
want to exploit:

The first error happen when the EIP reach 0x004157c0 and the
exploited header have filled EDX register.

The first error happen when the EIP reach 0x004c668c and the
exploited header have filled EAX and EDI registers.

The second happen in Kernel32.dll at EIP 0xbffc04d4.


3) The Code

In attachment you can found:
a) a little proof-of-concept for send a mail with the "From:" field
   The source code and the exe are for Win.
b) a patcher for the version 4.01 of the program that use my personal
   and unofficial fix (useful if someone don't know how to use an hex
c) an Italian version of this advisory.


4) Fix

No official patch.
See the Pegasus mail site (http://www.pmail.com) for updates.

I have done a PERSONAL and NOT OFFICIAL fix for the version 4.01:

File: winpm-32.exe
address value
14DC3   90
14DC4   90
14DD7   90
14DD8   90

The NOP trick run well and seems that all the functions are ok,
but remember that it is only temporary!


5) Philosophy

I'm really hopeful about the FULL-DISCLOSURE, because with that
"everyone" can know the real effects of an attack, the real danger of
a bug, someone can learn a bit of programming (I have learn a bit of
C from the source code of some exploits) and it's useful for all the
people that are hopeful in this type of disclosure.
No secrets!


Any type of feedback is really welcome!


Attachment: pegasus.zip
Description: Advisory, proof-of-concept and my fix

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