I can positively confirm this vulnerability on both WMP 7 and 8 on Windows
98, ME, 2000, XP and 2003. The default Enhanced Security Configuration of IE
on Windows 2003 does nothing to prevent automatically opening certain media

The ASF file can be automatically opened through an IFRAME, both on a
webpage and in an email - even with scripting disabled in the Restricted
Zone, which has so far been a major mitigating factor. This means that an
emailborne exploit would execute immediately when a user opened or previewed
an HTML-based email.

Thor Larholm
PivX Solutions, LLC - Senior Security Researcher

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Drivial Pursuit: Internet Explorer Browser & Your Files and
Folders !

Wednesday, 23 July, 2003

Yet another quaint lead-up to "silent delivery and installation of an
executable on a target computer. No client input other than viewing a
web page" !

This is getting boring.

A myriad of technical hurdles have been recently placed to disallow
access to files and folders on the local machine from the internet.
Previously simple redirects could defeat that, but that too has been

Coupled with a myriad of existing possibilities of placing arbitrary
files in known locations on the local machine, along with perhaps
several other well known applications that create sensitive files in
known locations on the local machine, accessing all of these with our
trusty browser commonly known as IE, leaves us with ample opportunity
to wreak further havoc on the unsuspecting customers of the
manufacturer, one "Microsoft".

For an ever increasing list of component possibilities seek here:


Once again the problem lies within our trusty and battle-hardened
Windows Media Player. Two second creation of Zero second URL flip to
local machine, allows us the desired access.  Whether this is the
result of a 'trusted' media file or not is unclear. Not important.
Custom crafted media files seem to fail.

Working Example:

Fails on WMP 9 but fully functional on all others regardless of
operating system:

ATTENTION: demo is merely first step. Plug 'n Play any of the
available components in the listing above for maximum results:



1. We appear to be going around and around in circles now
2. We see no possibility of ever expending one red cent to this
particular toy manufacturer. As such we are stuck with what we have.
We would be interested to thoroughly examining the latest and
greatest toys created by these people and should someone feel like
lending us a couple shiny new machines with default installs of the
latest and greatest toys, we'll be happy come to some sort of mutualy
beneficial arrangement.
3. None.


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