Geo. wrote:
Really? Ok educate me, how do you do this with Windows 2000
running MS dns?
(telling people to use another server is not acceptable)

If Microsoft's products are broken, why souldn't I tell people to use
something else?

You tell them whatever you like, they aren't going to switch just like they
didn't switch from exchange just because it installed as an open relay. The
whack-a-mole problem didn't go away with open relays until MS changed the
default to disable relay and it's not going to go away with open recursive
dns servers until they change the default there as well.


Geo, the default is bad. However, it is not a Microsoft issue, this is a spoofing issue. Many like to bash Microsoft, some hate them. Myself I am known as a Microsoft critic at times.

It is true Microsoft has recursion set on default, but so does bind. That is how DNS is general is set all around the world. Hopefully the very clued guys at both will change it.

Why are we arguing on the colour of bytes when we could be discussing making trivial spoofing a thing of the past?


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