Invision Community Blog .. Bugs

SQL Injection :-

    Filename      :- mod.php

    Function name :- do_mmod()

The $ids Unfilter Input By Intval As Array :) So We Can Do SQL Injection -->

* Arabic *



ÇáãÊÛíÑ $ids ÛíÑ ãÝáÊÑ Úä ØÑíÞ ÇáÏÇáå intval æåæ ÈÔßá ãÕÝæÝå .. áåÐÇ ÇáÓÈÈ ããßä 
Úãá ÷ÍÞäå




$ids = array();

$ids = explode( ',', $this->ipsclass->input['selectedbids'] );


$ids = implode( ',', $ids );


$this->ipsclass->DB->do_update ( 'blog_blogs', array ( 'blog_disabled' => 1 ), 
"blog_id IN ({$ids})" );

$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct ( array ( 'select' => 'member_id', 'from' 
=> 'blog_blogs', 'where' => "blog_id IN ({$ids})" ) );



$this->ipsclass->DB->do_update ( 'blog_blogs', array ( 'blog_disabled' => 0 ), 
"blog_id IN ({$ids})");

$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct ( array ( 'select' => 'member_id', 'from' 
=> 'blog_blogs', 'where' => "blog_id IN ({$ids})" ) );








Exploit :-

    GET ^


    POST ^



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