DATE: 27-01-2006



PRODUCT: Cisco Secure ACS

VERSION(S) TESTED: Cisco Secure ACS version 2.3 UNIX hosted on Netscape 
FastTrack Server version 2.01c on Sun Solaris 8.0

TITLE: Cisco Secure ACS LogonProxy.cgi Cross Site Scripting vulnerability.


Cisco Secure ACS LoginProxy.cgi has been found to be vulnerable to Cross Site 
Scripting attacks via both GET and POST requests due to a failure to properly 
filter undesirable user input. Successful exploitation could result in a loss 
of privacy of sensitive data, such as usernames and passwords.


Exploitation of this type of attack relies on the attacker’s ability to inject 
code (in this case java script) into the HTML that is delivered to the user’s 
Internet Browser. In this case it is possible to craft POST and GET requests to 
LogonProxy.CGI that result in detailed errors being presented in which the 
requested URL (or Query) is displayed. Thus, it is possible to inject java 
script into the error message which could be utilised to execute a Cross Site 
Scripting attack. 

In this case the attack could not be used to steal session information (as it 
is commonly used) but it could be used to redirect the user to another host. A 
possible scenario would be that the user is redirected to a host owned by the 
attacker which hosts a copy of the Cisco Secure ACS front end. This would then 
be used to proxy logon requests back to the bone fide server whilst harvesting 
administrative user credentials.


The following test scripts could be used to ascertain whether the system under 
test is vulnerable:

1. POST Request.


Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, 
application/x-shockwave-flash, */*


Accept-Language: en-gb

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 
1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)


Content-Length: 33

Pragma: no-cache


2. GET Requests.<script>alert("help")</script><script>alert('help')</script><script>alert('help')</script>

Recommendations: (Until patch information is available).

These recommendations are based on Cisco Secure ACS being used on an internal 
network rather than an internet facing system.

•       If possible reconfigure the system so that detailed error messages are 
not displayed in the user’s internet browser.

•       Network Architecture Design should ensure that only the IP addresses of 
hosts used by bone fide Cisco Secure ACS users/Administrators can connect to 
these services.

•       Consider dissemination of the attack string along side of controls in 
place on systems such as e-mail (spoofing and HTML e-mail), Vulnerable web 
services (publication/uploading of malicious code), exploitable applications 
(eg: guestbooks) and code published in MS Office document types.

•       Consider whether current controls on desktops and servers are adequate 
to prevent users from installing and controlling their own network services. 

Recommendations supplied to the Vendor:

Logonproxy.cgi needs to have addition code added to filter out undesirable 
requests. The characters which should be filtered in all forms (i.e. ASCII and 
UNICODE etc) to avoid Cross Site Scripting attacks are: 

Vendor Recommendations:

A new version of will be made available by Cisco at the following 

Once you have downloaded this follow these instructions:

Steps to install the patch:


1) Stop the Ciscosecure process using $BASEDIR/utils/kcs

2) Create a backup of the existing file $BASEDIR/FastAdmin/

3) Copy the patch( to the location $BASEDIR/FastAdmin

4) Start the CiscoSecure process using $BASEDIR/utils/scs

Final Comments:

Fujitsu Services would like to thank Paul Oxman and Cisco for their cooperation 
and professionalism.

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