[>>] Writer’s Block SQL Injection Vulnerabilities [<<]

[x] Vendor Information

"If the written word is the wheel, then Writer’s Block is the sweet, sweet 
fossil fuel in the 

engine that keeps it spinning. A free, flexible, elegant Content Management 
System that helps 

you maintain any web site you want, at any size you want, with no hassle and no 

In fact, it’s running this entire site right now."


[x] Attack Information

The variable "PostID" can be filled with malicious content to execute SQL code:


permalink.php, line 212:

$getpost = @mysql_query("SELECT Title, Timestamp, Body, PostCat1, PostCat2, 
PostCat3, PostCat4, Author FROM ".POSTS_TBL." WHERE

  PostID='".$_GET['PostID']."' AND Draft=0");


permalink.php, line 298:

$prevlink = mysql_query("SELECT PostID FROM ".POSTS_TBL." WHERE 
PostID<".$_GET['PostID']." AND Draft=0 ORDER BY Timestamp DESC LIMIT 1");


permalink.php, line 304:

$nextlink = mysql_query("SELECT PostID FROM ".POSTS_TBL." WHERE 
PostID>".$_GET['PostID']." AND Draft=0 ORDER BY Timestamp ASC LIMIT 1");


[x] Exploit

The issue can be exploited through a web browser.

[x] Patch

Just add an intval():


permalink.php, line 212:

$getpost = @mysql_query("SELECT Title, Timestamp, Body, PostCat1, PostCat2, 
PostCat3, PostCat4, Author FROM ".POSTS_TBL." WHERE

  PostID='".intval($_GET['PostID'])."' AND Draft=0");


permalink.php, line 298:

$prevlink = mysql_query("SELECT PostID FROM ".POSTS_TBL." WHERE 
PostID<".intval($_GET['PostID'])." AND Draft=0 ORDER BY Timestamp DESC LIMIT 


permalink.php, line 304:

$nextlink = mysql_query("SELECT PostID FROM ".POSTS_TBL." WHERE 
PostID>".intval($_GET['PostID'])." AND Draft=0 ORDER BY Timestamp ASC LIMIT 1");


[x] Credits

The vulnerability has been discovered by katharsis -


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