This is not created by me, however, many site are being exploited due to
it, so I thought I'd spread the word:
 Joomla Component com_jb2(PostID) SQL-injetion Vulnerability                    


#[~] Author :  boom3rang
#[~] Kosova Hackers Group []
#[~] Greetz : [EMAIL PROTECTED], KHG, chs, redc00de, LiTTle-Hack3r, L1RIDON1.

#[!] Module_Name:  com_jb2
#[!] Script_Name:  Joomla
#[!] Google_Dork:  inurl:"option=com_jb2 "PostID"

#[~] Example:
#[~] Exploit:

#[!] Proud 2 be Albanian
#[!] Proud 2 be Muslim
#[!] United States of Albania

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