I wrote about a week ago:

> Many Oracle web server installations have a  fcgi-bin/echo  script
> left over from default demo (google for inurl:fcgi-bin/echo). That
> script seems vulnerable to XSS. (PoC exploit and explanation of
> impact withheld now.)
> I asked secur...@oracle.com and they said that "... this issue has
> been resolved in an earlier Critical Patch Update." I looked at some
> recent CPU summaries, but did not notice anything relevant: maybe
> their reply refers to the old http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/717827 ?
> Website owners please remove demo software from production servers,
> e.g. as per Oracle recommendation
> http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B14099_19/core.1012/b13999/checklist.htm#BABIBCIC

Oracle now told me that (they double-checked and)
  The issue ... has been addressed by the fixes released in CPUJan2007.
Could someone verify whether that in fact solves the issue?

Hmm... maybe difficult to verify, since I did not post a PoC test.
Maybe a kind Oracle admin could point me to a patched fcgi-bin/echo?
Funny if any such existed: an admin careful to keep patches up-to-date,
but careless in not following security recommendations to remove...
Maybe, contact me off-list so I can provide PoC?

Cheers, Paul

Paul Szabo   p...@maths.usyd.edu.au   http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/psz/
School of Mathematics and Statistics   University of Sydney    Australia

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