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Directory Traversal is not only a web-server vulnerability, neza0x. Webapps can 
be vulnerable as
well. Or 3rd party [nginx|apache|etc] modules, for that matter.

On 11/03/2010 05:49 PM, nez...@gmail.com wrote:
> Directory Traversal still alive? I mean, does your tool bypass Apache, IIS 
> latest versions? Or it is applicable to IIS 4?
> It would be nice to have new techniques, improve multi-byte encoders and so 
> on.
> Sent via BlackBerry from Danux Network
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "chr1x" <ch...@sectester.net>
> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 23:47:20 
> To: <full-disclos...@lists.grok.org.uk>; <websecur...@webappsec.org>
> Cc: <webapp...@lists.securityfocus.com>; <bugtraq@securityfocus.com>
> Subject: [WEB SECURITY] [TOOL] DotDotPwn v2.1 - The Directory Traversal Fuzzer
> CubilFelino Security Research Lab and Chatsubo (IN) Security Labs
> proudly present...
> DotDotPwn v2.1 - The Directory Traversal Fuzzer
> ===============================================
> Authors: Christian Navarrete (chr1x @ http://chr1x.sectester.net) and
> Alejandro Hernández H. (nitr0us @ http://chatsubo-labs.blogspot.com)
> Release date: 29/Oct/2010 (PUBLIC Release at BugCon Security Conferences
> 2010)
> Tool Description
> ================
> It's a very flexible intelligent fuzzer to discover traversal directory
> vulnerabilities in software such as Web/FTP/TFTP servers, Web platforms
> such as CMSs, ERPs,Blogs, etc. Also, it has a protocol-independent
> module to send the desired payload to the host and port specified. On
> the other hand, it also could be used in a scripting way using the
> STDOUT module.
> It's written in perl programming language and can be run either under
> *NIX or Windows platforms. 
> Fuzzing modules supported in this version: 
> - HTTP
> - FTP
> - TFTP
> - Payload (Protocol independent)
> Discovered Vulnerabilities
> ==========================
> - HTTP (4 security advisories)
>         * MultiThreaded HTTP Server @
> http://www.inj3ct0r.com/exploits/11894
>         * Wing FTP Server v3.4.3 @
> http://packetstormsecurity.org/1005-exploits/wingftp-traversal.txt
>       * Yaws 1.89
>       * Mongoose 2.11
> - FTP (2 security advisories)
>         * VicFTPS v5.0 @ http://www.inj3ct0r.com/exploits/12131
>       * Home FTP Server vr1.11.1 (build 149) @
> http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/15349
> - TFTP (2 security advisories)
>         * TFTP Desktop 2.5 @ http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/14857
>         * TFTPDWIN v0.4.2 @ http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/14856
> Download
> ========
> Official site: http://dotdotpwn.sectester.net
> Mirror site: http://chatsubo-labs.blogspot.com
> Contact
> =======
> Contact: dotdot...@sectester.net
> Vote for DotDotPwn as tool for next BackTrack release!! ->
> http://www.backtrack-linux.org/forums/tool-requests/32082-dotdotpwn.html
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- -- 
Arturo "Buanzo" Busleiman :.
Independent Linux and Security Consultant - OWASP - SANS - OISSG .
http://www.buanzo.com.ar/pro/eng.html                           ..:
http://www.cervezacicuta.com.ar - "LA" Cerveza Artesanal de Villa Bosch
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